@Neubmann: We get so many unneeded or nobody asked for this type remasters (i personally don't have a problem with them actually, but it seems much of the internet does). But I have noticed the ME Trilogy seems to be the one remaster collection that many actually want, but it's the one that looks like were not to be given. Ironic isn't it. You would think EA would jump all over the chance to resell the games to us.
@Rushaoz: Considering it's using Polaris and has 36 CU's... the RX 480 is the correct GPU. They just forgot to down clock it to 911mhz to achieve whats in the Pro.
@ALLIAMOS: You make lots of assumptions. And...No they don't. I own the Samsung PNF648500 plasma and a Samsung JU48" 7500 LCD 4k TV that I use for my PC. (For work I use Display Fusion to split it up into 4 1080p displays, one quarter section for 3ds max, one for photoshop, one for crazy bump, and one for file explorer and then I have a Dell UltraSharp for a fifth display.. While Plasma Displays make even 720p games look great, Uncharted 4 looks better due to artist techniques like I mentioned before.. You also apparently cant read English either, as I already stated what I had to do to get the games at 60fps. If you don't know about the SLI fixes i'm talking about that need to be loaded through Nvidia Inspector, then you are making all this up. As your Titan X sli setup would not run at 60fps without these fixes. When you say Ultra at said game, it means ultra, not notching down settings like I suggested to get the game running well at 4k. Plasma inherently will look better until OLED overcomes it's shortcomings, but like I stated in my previous comment, several things make Uncharted 4 look better than Rise of the Tomb Raider and Witcher 3 ( I have beaten both). They don't look better. Naughty dog is better with animation and next gen graphics tech.
You need to look past resolutions and super high texture settings, Naughty dog implements many graphical features not found on current games. Rise of the Tomb Raider is a fantastic looking game, but the hair, clothes, lighting, and animations don't compare to UC4.
I own High end displays, Plasma will still be preferable until OLED gets rid of its weaknesses, its because of the common shoppers Plasma has went the way of the dodo.
@ALLIAMOS: Uncharted 4 actually does, its not all about how high of Res you can go and how many FPS you can crank out. Uncharted 4 looks better than anything right now. From the how the clothes move on the characters realistically, to the facial animations, the way the devs light the scenes. The way all the characters hair looks and realistically reacts with light passing through. The way everything is animated, the way the materials are rendered. All of these things make UC4 the best looking game I have seen so far. Uncharted 4 looks closer to a CGI movie than Witcher 3 does.
Also, my workstation rig with a 3930k @4.7 and Dual Titan X's with a +200/+500 overclock, Witcher 3 cannot run at ultra, 4k and 60 fps. At ultra and 4k, it's chugging at around 20-25 fps on a single gpu and in the mid 40-50's in SLI with an SLI fix. To get 60 I have to turn off hairworks, lower shadows down to high, lower Foliage Visibility Range down to high, and load a SLI fix through Nvidia inspector. Rise of the Tomb raider is the exact same scenario. Witcher 3 and Rise are pretty games and look great, but UC4 looks better.
Been playing UC4 and there are no FPS drops, it's pretty much locked at 30fps. There are no reports of Dynamic Scaling. DF states it's 1080p (UC is not about the MP) Stop making up stuff, people who actually own the hardware you claim too can put you right back in your place with actual knowledge of the hardware.
@dlCHIEF58: Your kidding right? How is offering jobs to people who are going to be losing their jobs unethical? If I know I'm being fired in the next month, I'm going to be job hunting. If this is an actual thing it's actually a bad thing that hurts the employees in the end.
@cainetao11: It looks great. Already put my order in at GMG. I really liked TR 2013, and this looks even better. I hope other people buy this and support it too. I want it to sell well so a third will be made. At least this time it's not going up against Fallout 4 lol
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