So if you die in the game Bible Adventures does that mean that you've single handedly destroyed God's plan? Besides the fact that you are a crappy gamer, does this mean that you've re-written the Bible to have David killed by a scorpion? In Genesis now will it say that Noah was killed by a woodpecker?
And why would God give someone a great quest to do if God knew that they could be killed by a woodpecker or a scorpoin? Wouldn't God help them out alittle bit, or does the game not really take on the spiritual qualities need to be Biblical until you add the GameGenie?
And are David, Noah, and Moses now mini-Jesuses (or is the plural Jesi?) since you have multiple lives. They can all die and come back to life three times. Does Jesus have three lives? And do you think that Jesus would be a fan of this game if he had come back in the 80s? Or would he've been a fan of Pong? I personally think Jesus would've kicked some major butt at Mega Man 5 and 6 because he's God and he can do that.
On a side note, my roommate believes that Jesus has four lives.