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So, I've Killed 21 Civillians In The Last Week...

...What have you done with your life?

I've been playing Mercenaries. Great game. Tons of fun. I traded in Destroy All Humans and the DVD Tombstone and got that game, THUG2, and Champions of Norrath. They're all fun. I beat THUG2 story mode in Normal and now I'm playing it on Easy for kicks. I'm also working on the Classic Mode. That's really hard. Much harder than the old THPS games.

Mercs is a great game. Tons of fun. Not too hard, but not incredibly easy. It's almost perfect in that respect. It's harder than GTA, and sometimes not as fun, but I think overall, it's a much better idea and better controls too. The driving in the game is much more responsive and tight than GTA. It does remind me a tad bit of Star Wars: Battlefront (another awesome game), but it's the same companies that make them.

My best friend from college is now working for GameStop. I'm stoked about that. I'm going to wait until he's in good and get him to get me some discounts.

Oh, I wrote a some-what-positive review for Destroy All Humans. Go and read it if you haven't played the game and you're thinking about it. Tell me what you think.

Also, still go and check out ANTI-STAR if you haven't yet. Great band.

Live. Love. Later.