I was playing Tenchu last night and on the third level I stealthily killed how many ever guys you need to kill and I received "Ninja Vision"! This sounds really cool, and I thought so at first too. It the kind of phrase you say in a deep voice very quickly while slurring the two words together. Try it, it's fun. "NINJAVISION!" See, a very cool word. You can really do that with any word following "ninja" though. Then, as I was trying "Ninja Vision," I realized that Rikimaru has a really great head of hair. And so "Ninja Vision" involves looking at the back of Rikimaru's head very intently hoping that the object you are wanting to look at is not in his direct line of sight. If it is then you are just screwed. I'm sure it's not too different for the chick, but she's just not as much fun to play as Rikimaru.
I'm not saying Tenchu is a bad game. I love it. It's a really amazing game. I love sneaking up behind someone, jumping of their shoulders and running my sword through the top of the skull and out their chin. Life doesn't get much greater than that.
This game is so much better too after I've played Manhunt, which was kind of stupid. I never got the feeling of stealth or the patience that I have in Tenchu. I felt pressed to completely the levels quickly, which when you're wanting to kill people without being seen, time is only your friend.
Tenchu is a great game. The "Ninja Vision" is disappointing, but the only perfect game I've ever played is Chrono Trigger, and we can't expect every game to be Chrono Trigger can we?