orangew00t's forum posts
Well, there IS a method to get them on the DS. It's just... slightly illegal...
But yeah, it would be awesome. I loved the MI games, especially 1+3.
Man, I hope they bring over Soma Bringer. I tried to play it in Japanese, but I had no clue as to what it going on.
I want so many of these games: Soma Bringer if it's in english, Sigma Harmonics, ASH, Summon Night 1&2, Valkrie Profile, World Destruction, Ys1&2, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, From the Abyss, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2, Final Fantasy IV, Dragon Quest IV, V, VI, and IX, Disgaea, Black Sigil, and Avalon Code. I wish I had a job.
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