I really wanted to like Bioshock 2 because I loved Bioshock. But that just wasn't meant to be. I read a bunch of user reviews and reviews before buying it and they all said the same thing--too much like the first. I didn't really know whay to make of that becaue I loved the first game and felt that this might actually be a positive feature. However, after playing the game myself, I realized what they meant. Rapture was no longer mysterious. For some reason, none of the environments in Biopshock 2 felt new to me or even exiting. In fact, most of them felt claustrophobic, tight and linear. Remember that first moment in Bioshock 2 where you're submerged in water? That was a great moment. But they didn't let you do anything with it. There was nowhere to go except the one place that they wanted you to go. There were barely any new plasmids (well, if there were I never really found a use for them beyond a one-off situation) and I found the entire game I was given way more than I needed (I always had a few autohack darts that easily let me into safes). But the one thing that really frustrated me is that after you killed a few big daddy's and were out of items, a big sister came after you. There was something so frustrating predictable about how that happened. I never found the big sister fights to be fun. In fact, if I died at all (which did happen a few times) the respawn would be right there and I would just keep dying and slowly whitling her health down. I found there were a host of other issues as well . . . the fact that you have to get onto the train at the end of every level and watch to load screen instead of watching a train ride through Rapture. The story was pretty terrible and found myself not caring at all. I'm sorry--I had to get some stuff off my chest. As you can tell, I've put a bit of thought into why I found this game frustrating. There's probably more, though. What do you think?
Thank you! I'll pack it up and send it back to MS. I guess I shouldn't really be suprised that the refurbished console they sent me didn't work--just frustrated that I love my 360 enough to put up with it.
So my xbox 360 red ringed and I sent it to microsoft. They immediately sent me another 360, but every time I put in a game disc the dashboard recognizes it as a dvd. I can eventually get the console to recognize the game after restarting the 360 3-5 times, but it's a real pain. I also noticed that my games play slower now and lag out more often. When I was playing Red Dead, the draw distance was significantly reduced to the point where you could see it filling in textures just a short distance away, and the menus took 5-10 seconds longer to load. I wanted to send the 360 back to microsoft, but I couldn't find this error anywhere on their website and I'm not sure if they'll fix it for free. Does anyone have any solutions or ideas? Do you think MS will fix this crappy console? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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