@FireEmblem_Man: I felt underwhelmed with New Vegas' first half. But, my goodness, the latter half approached perfection. Especially with world building and consequences for your decisions.
It's good to hear from you, my good man. This was a good read. I can relate to the "not having time" part, too. Life happens, I guess. But, like you said, these experiences are still there waiting, even if I have to unpack them from boxes. :)
Ah yes, I remember reading long ago (I think it was right after Episode 1 released) that Valve was doing a trilogy of HL2 episodes and a third party dev was doing a fourth episode (not through Freeman's perspective). I totally forgot about it. Interesting to see it pop up again!
This article makes a good point but is rather mistaken on one issue: The problem isn't that Bioware made an ending fans didn't like. The problem is simply that they didn't end it at all. The true ending will be sold as DLC. That's why there's a petition. Bioware already sacrificed their art. I'm all about outside of the box endings that shock, wow, or enrage people. But this was not an ending. It was a prelude to DLC.
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