For me, April in TLJ is a character with a lot of depth, especially if you take the time to read her journal articles after each event. I don't want to spoil the story too much, but there is a part that partly explains why she is cynical and 'whiny' at times. As with most people, it has to do with something that happened in the past. This may or may not redeem April, but you do come to understand her a lot better. As with real life, just because you understand someone more, doesn't mean you'll like them any better. :P
Besides that, I liked how she perseveres on the quest with nothing but her wits and witticisms. Even though she is self-centered at times, there were touching moments where she did open up her heart, there were moments where she opened up to the wonder of the worlds that she travelled through, and moments where she felt the crushing weight and responsibilities of the quest that was forced upon her. And, underneath all that, I felt that she wanted to do something good; wanted to do the right thing. The reluctant heroine, I guess you could call her.
In Dreamfall, the story is split between 3 characters, so they didn't get as much character development for a better understanding of their motivations. ***Possible Spoiler Alert*** Personally, I didn't like April's change into 'Ice Maiden/Warrior Princess.' The only real explanation of her change is the extended dialogue between Kian and herself. And it seemed to have been more a justification for her actions, than an actual explanation. I just tried to view it as her accepting Marcuria as her new home, and she actually cared about the place as well as the people. ***End Spoiler Alert***
Other than that, I guess I like April's character because she continues to try to do what she thinks is right, even though she seems to be lost and unsure of her place in the universe.
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