Well I finally got my Wii but it was a long and painful yet very rewarding process. My story starts at Walmart where I go to the electronics department at 9:00 Saturday morning. I go up to the counter where I am told they only have 21 systems and there are 30 people in line. I quickly dash over to the other Walmart 5 mile away and it's the same thing, 28 systems 35 people. I start to panic, I drive over to Bestbuy across the street and there are 6 tents out front. Only six I thought, I need a tent! I quickly head back to Walmart and buy a swiss army tent for $60.00 then go back to Bestbuy and get in line. I'm now 11th in line an it's 11:00 a.m., only 22 hours to go until Bestbuy opens to sell the Wii. I soon learn that there are 24 systems available and by 2:30p.m. there are 24 people in line. Once the line is full we decide to make a list of everybody in line so that there is no confusion later. The next few hours are spent chatting with other people in the line and playing Nintendo DS and PSP. After a few hours of that it's starting to get cold. I call my fiance' to bring me some extra blankets and gloves. She arrives a wile later with a huge box of food, blankets, and a big thermos of hot chocolate. Looks like I asked the right person to marry me. The rest of the evening is spent by occasionally going into Bestbuy to piss and get warm and playing handheld games. Nobody got bent out of shape when somebody left the line to piss or run to sheetz to get supplies as long as they were back in a few minutes. Once the sun went down it got brutal cold, near freezing. I spent most of my time in my tent listening to the Penn State and then the Ohio State game. I tried sleeping but the middle school sleep over next to me was too loud and at 12:30a.m. the jackasses from Walmart drove by honking their horns and yelling about how they already got their Wii's. Rat bastards! After sleeping a few more hours I woke up and we decided to take down our tent and prepare for any crazies who would start coming around and try to weasel their way into the line. About 4:30 it started to get interesting, this guy who had been in line but had spent most of his time in his tent came out and walked up to us. he wasn't wearing any shoes and asked if we wanted to talk. Seeing he was off his rocker we said yes. He started talking about how he thought he was going to die and that we should not be so obsesed over material possetions. He then said that we were being vulgar (which we were) so we told him he was freaking us out and to leave. By this time is was after 5:00a.m. and the managers had come and were setting up inside. The crazy guy then walks over to the front doors and pryes them open and walks inside. We are just sitting there thinking what the hell? We look in and he is kneeling on the floor mumbling to himself. 5 minutes later the police are there. they put him the the car and about 10 minutes later an ambulance arrives. This guy is obviously on something. I overhear on of the cops say that he thinks it might be either heroin or cocaine. 5 minutes later he is carted away. With our excitement for the night over we settle down for the last few hours. By now it is freezing and we are all bored. We just want to get our Wii's and go home. By now more people have arrived to get the Wii but we tell them there is not enough for them. They stay anyways. At 7:30 my brother calls me and said that he just went to Kmart 30 miles away and waited only one hour and got a Wii. THAT BASTARD!!! He then sends me a pic on my phone of him with the box. I'm now furious but I won't be detered. At 8:00a.m. the manager comes out and gives out 24 tickets to the first 24 in line.(i'm still 11) He then returns inside and locks the door for another hour. The last hour is spent with everybody closely guarding their ticket and some people getting into there cars to get warm. At 9:00a.m. the doors open and everybody piles in. People with tickets on the left, everybody else on the right. People who had just shown up are still trying to somehow get a Wii. No luck! I pick up an extra Wimote and Nunchuk, present my ticket, take my Wii, grab a copy of Zelda and go to pay. My total is $381.56 Excited, I drive the 10 minutes home and feeling like a dirty bum decide to take a hot shower and settle in with comfort. I the spend the next half-hour making connections and installing batteries. With that settled I turn the power on. NOTHING!!!! I quickly re-adjust my connections and BINGO the screen comes to life. The rest of the day is spent in glory, The kind of glory one would only know if you spent 22 hours waiting in the cold to be among the first to own the Wii!
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