@maitkarro @orionwolf We're all part of the network to some degree. Giving them a camera to spy on your kids and a microphone to record anything going on in the background is a pretty stupid idea.
The director of the Pentagon recently admitted that your appliances can spy on you. The NSA Snowden data release scandal isn't over yet. You'll soon find out just how badly the government is spying on you. Whether someone actually checks up on you personally is irrelevant. It will be stored data for years and if you piss off the wrong person who somehow has access to your data cache, you will be sorry you didn't take precautions.
I've bought several XBox's over the years. I skipped the PS3. Looks like I won't skip the PS4. I don't really care about the ToS rules, those aren't binding; they're all bark and no bite. I don't sell or borrow games either, I'm an adult with a good career. The spying and selling of that data is unforgivable.
Uninteresting complicated story? Where!? It sounds like Shaun had a predetermined story in his head. I thought the story was well told and appropriate given the previous installments. Nothing was out of place and all questions were answered throughout the entire experience.
Also, Shaun didn't mention that one play through is going to net somewhere close to 20 hours of game play - which is over twice the standard amount for shooters these days. Not only are there 19 chapters that are all 30-60 minutes average length, there are a collection of optional missions in each chapter, some locked for co-op, but most are open for a solo run. EA could EASILY have made two games out of this one, but out of character for them, they chose to reward the series followers with a huge game. I chose to reward them back by downloading all of the DLC at release date.
I'm not without criticism for it though. The game is jam packed with necromorphs, more so than the previous games. SO MUCH SO, that it took away from the storyline experience to have to be jumped by 5+ waves in more than half of the rooms. There were so many necromorphs in some areas that it took away from the game play sequencing. This isn't a big complaint, as the shooting gameplay is the core of the series, but when the player is rushed by a clear abundance of enemies, it gets old having to mash the 'A' button because you're being tackled so often. Also, to be fair, I didn't use the hydraulic drive for melee effect.
Having completed my first play through, I'm looking forward to going through again to soak the story a little deeper. It's not complicated, just very very long. Me thinks Shaun ought to take his ritalin and give it another go.
orionwolf's comments