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Nice one, Gamespot

Well damn, thanks a lot Gamespot. Between Jeff's early, spoiler-free review, the demo, the actual review and the hotspot episode I obtained an untamed urge to buy and play Bioshock as soon as I possibly can. First thing tomorrow, I'm making my way to Futureshop, and getting me that game...who knows, maybe I'll even be crazy enough to get the collectors eddition for the Big Daddie statute, which sounds pretty sweet. Actually, that will probably be a good time to get that 500gig hard drive I've been planning on getting some time, so what the hell, why not? Then I'll only have the problem of my computer only working when it's on its side to deal with. Hmm.

AH, that time of year again

Yes, as I am writing this, I am officially out of school for the year and I have nothing but free time and fresh air ahead of me. Of course not all of it will be free if I actually manage to land a job and if the last few days are of any precident, the air I will be breathing wont really be very fresh. It'll be that warm, stale air you get from being cooped up in a room, scented with the unmistakable smell of sweat of my own producing. Right, moving on.

Im generally pretty enthusiastic about various forms of entertainment as I am somewhat of a video game and movie buff. But that doesn't mean it's been easy for me to enjoy those endevors. Somehow, I can't quite force my self to sit down and enjoy the things I love most. There are tons of movies I still need to play, and there are even more dudes in video games for me to shoot in the face, as they say. Well, consider my summer resolution to buckle down, and make my self take the time, and sift through all the great entertainment I've collected throughout the year but didn't have time go through. But, as this is a video game website, I'll keep this entry on the video game side of things. on my list of "to play" list are:

  • Oblivion - I can't say I liked it quite as much as I'd hoped, but it still deserves to at least have me rush through the main quest once.
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Okay, there is probably not a single game that I've been waiting for more than this one. Just ask my friends. Yes, because it is made by Ukrainians, about Ukrainians and Ukraine, and did I mention that's where I'm from? YEAH!
  • Fallout 2 - Okay so Fallout 3 is going to come out, so I figured It's time I experienced the classic finally. Well, so far all I can say is, the opening cinematic is really freakin' good!
  • Flyff - What's this, a Korean MMORPG on my to play list? Well, I guess we've all got to start somewhere, right? Might as well be a free game I have no expectations for.
  • Chaos Theory - I liked the first game in the series. I ought to like this one too then, right?
  • Jade Empire - Can't say I care very much for the game, but there is a chance I'll come around when I actually start playing it. Maybe it'll be KOTOR all over again. Probably not...

I'm sure more will make it in there. Gosh, being aware of games sure is a chore. I'm actually playing Call of Juarez right now, and I have to say I am rather enjoying my self. It kind of reminds me of Oblivion with it's graphics and setting, but the tight gameply really keeps things interesting, without letting me wonder off and do other menial tasks. One of the coolest touches is reading bible verses while having a gun fight. I think everyone's been waiting for the ability to do that in a game ever since Pulp Fiction came out, except we just didn't know it yet.

I guess I'll also include a rant here, about what else -- the new review format of Gamespot. Right off the bat, I have to say I think its great. Clearly it adresses several issues people have been having with the reviews, and it makes it easier for me, as the consumer to find out many of the things that really matter to me about a game. Like the bad camera emblem, the top gore emblem and my current favorite, the "Oh, snap" emblem. That's all I wanted to know, which games would make me freak out during parts of it? Thats the kind of emblem that could differentiate to me a good game like call of juarez, from an awesome game like Max Payne or its excellent sequel. And what about the score? While I admit, it was pretty interesting for me as a big fan of Gamespot's content to look at the exact scores given, and decide weather or not I agree with them to the point. But, scores are a very subjective thing and It's difficult for any exact number to be given and have it be seen as fair, across the board. Now, we more or less get a ball park of the score of the game's quality, and the emblems, which we can use to tilt the score using our own judgement. It may remove the fun of actually trying to somehow fit your oppinion of the game in a very precise number, but the reviews took a step in being more usefull in their intended purpose -- you know, they're just there to help us make informed choices when we go out to buy games.

Oh by the way, is it just me or is it actually more interesting to read the reviews with the emblems in place? I thought they were a neat idea for the user's profiles, but now in the reviews they actually have a purpose. Hmm, yeah, I'd say I'm a fan. Great Job Gamespot.

the blob is...

  • The blob is, round, about 2 meters in diameter
  • Pink, not unlike kirby
  • Consumes people, and sometimes even assumes some of their virtues.
  • A military weapon prototype in its infancy
  • Has an mysterious connection to Stone Henge
  • Not innately evil

Rest assured, the heroes will have their hands full dealing with it, but it quickly becomes evident that it isn't the real enemy. The true evil lies within a much more sinister figure.

Far Cry dealt with, loving TLJ

So I finally finished Far Cry last week, and I'm glad to say that over all it left me with a good impression. The levels are interesting throughout, but especially become noteworthy in the later stages (aside from the fact that the game is set on a tropical island ofcourse). The ending though, while I wont say it stunk it was deffinetly somewhat underwhelming, but what the heck. The parts leading up to it make up for it.

This winter break I plan to play alot more of (and hopefully finish) The Longest Journey, so I can finally play the sequel. Everything said about it was true, its got great writing, voicing and puzzles even if some are somewhat cumbersome. Makes it all the more sad that Dreamfall didn't sell well or even win the best game no one played award on Gamespot. But I can't only play point and click adventure, so there will probably be plenty of Hitman Blood Money and DoD Source thrown in the mix.

Thats a nice Kitler (Rompy Concert Review)

Before I get to the actual review, I must bring to your unprecidented attention this website
Would you belive there is actually a website dedicated to making celebrities out of cats that have a black upper-middel lip? This website is just all kinds of awesome, and even after five minutes it was still funny.

In other news, the Rompy concert at the Reverb was pretty awesome. Too bad I didn't make it in time for Roy Leiberman Rock's show.

Oh yeah, I took my hard earned money and bought my self a computer. I won't get into specs, but res assured, it's better than yours. And then I quit the job. I need a new job.

the Wii and the 360!

Aside from the console name, I really think Nintendo is doing a better job on presenting their new console this time around. Their whole strategy seems more full proof, and it's starting to make sense alot more now. To stay in business Nintendo realised they can't afford to be in direct competition with the other big two, so they changed plans and went all innovative. Innovative gameplay and hardware is a hard enough a sell to people that read into these things, but how do you convince the general public who has no intention of going and reading up on this stuff? Well if you're Nintendo, you take advantage of the portable gaming market ver which you have largely full dominance. Here is Nintendo's chance to make a new system which will be innovative, yet compelling. In other words, the DS. Now with the DS's success, Nintendo has somewhat of a credibility and a reputation for making innovative hardware. I'm sure that those who have played and enjoyed the DS, will be much more accepting of the radical and perhaps at first glance uninviting, concept of the console Wii.
Pretty much everyone who has played both the DS and the PSP seems to at this point preffer Nintendo's offering, and now with the introduction of the DS Lite, it's popularity will almost certainly, only grow. I can see this being a case of Macintosh and the iPod. Macintosh has a wildly popular product, and they use it's popularity to attract consumers to its other poroducts. Seen the commercial for one of the iMacs that say's "from the creators of iPod"? Yeah, well it looks like something simmilar is gonna happen now with Nintendo.
Oh and although I may still be somewhat biassed against Xbox 360 because of my semi-Nintendo-fan-boy days and because its from Microsoft, I must admit I am alot more imporessed with the 360 than I though I'd be. They really seem to have a solid line-up of games and the whole points and profile thing they have looks like something I could get way into. Who knows, I just might end up getting one if they keep getting games like Oblivion and GRAW, and Lost Planet which just looks insanely cool.
This really is a strange time. I never expected to be so impressed by x360 or even the Wii. And PS3 was supposed to be mind blowing. Jeff made a very accurate observation when he said that now more than ever the future is in the air. There is no clear winner right now and only time will tell who is the real victor this time.

In a Lite state of Mind

So I finally did it. I've gotten a job and have been working for about two and a half weeks now. This means I'll be getting my game-on way hardcore this summer. I already made more than enough for A DS Lite so I guess now I'll actually have something to do on those hour long bus trips that I have to take anywhere I go. Luckily a couple of my friends are getting the DS at the same time, and that's bound to result in some crazy Mario Kart multiplayer action. Not sure how the online multiplayer works yet, but I hope it's not just "good for a handheld". I'm not quite sure what other game I want yet. Phoenix Wright seems pretty crazy, maybe I'll try one of thems crazy brain generation games. But for the time being I guess I'll stick with the new super Mario brothers and advance wars. Maybe even Metroid Prime hunters thing. Well in any case this is a pretty exciting time. I haven't gotten a console in what seems like forever and the only current generation console I have is Game Cube. About a month ago I was shocked when my Neal pointed out that I actually only own 4 Game Cube games, which I guess I never really realised because I always had so many borrowed games at home (courtesy of Neal). So I expect to make up for the lost time with this job.

Oh and I'm also finally buying a guitar. I can't even look at my old one anymore - too many bad memories. And I better get them frootyloops sometime soon. I have a feeling I'll spend a lot of time locked up in my basement this summer.

Clearing the air... a little bit

So now I am convinced I want a Wii.

I think Nintendo has a pretty good strategy going for them this round of console wars. They have a console which can have crazy fun games, and the really cool immersive games. I actually don't really consider the relatively weak hardware a weakness at this point because I want the next generation of games to be more than just an advancement in graphics. Hopefully this will motivate the game developers to make graphics that are good not in the sense that they have a crazy ammount of polygons, but in the artistic sense. Games like Windwaker and World of Warcraft are good examples of this. Even the simplest objects in that game have an enormous sense of artistry and beauty about them. Alot of the times good artistry comes from restrictions, and hopefully that is what will happen in this case.

In my last blog I made it sound like I'm really dissapointed with the ps3, and I kinda am, but it is only the initial, unprocessed gut reaction from e3. I actually do want a ps3, and im sure it will have plenty of great games to play, which I don't plan to miss out on. And all the excitement over the Wii might also be missleading, because really it's the third party games that will determine if it will have a fate different than gamecube's.

Nothing is yet certain. For sure Wii will have the usual outstanding first party games. PS3 will have the crazy awesome third party games. But not much more is known.

Oh I've completely neglected the Xbox 360. Yeah its cool I guess, but I've no intention of getting it so it is of little consiquence to me. I do however really hope the rumours of Oblivion coming to the ps3 are true, and if mass effect comes out for ps3 aswell as the pc, it will be totally awesome.

step out!

that time a year

yes i know this is my first blog and it is a special occasion (a cause to celebrate even) but lets skip the formalities and get down to business. E3 has been on for 2 days now, and it comes as no surprise to anyone what an avalenche of news and games we are getting. I always look forward to E3s because it really  gives the industry a chance to impress and bewilder the consumers. Surprise is always good in these occasions. that is to say, good surprise. Usually, i can sleep in peace with the knowledge that the sony press conference is going to deliver something truly exciting and stimulating. something like their last year's conference. This year it was as if they deliberately tried to do all they can to make an exciting event, as boring and unimpressive as possible. Where are all the killzones, devil may cries and motor storms? those were the most impressive last year, why arent they followed up by bigger and better things this year? why do we spend most of the time looking at a ps2  game played on the ps3? But fine, the conference wasn't that exciting, but they announced some new information that is rather surprising. the controler is now motion sensitive, huh? well, please people, don't say that sony didn't copy nintendo in this move just because motion sensitive controlers were around for a while. If nintendo didnt do it, no one would be doing it now. And it's got incredible air of afterthough to it. I highly doubt many games are going to implement this feature in a meaningfull way. How awekward would it be to aim by moving both of your hands around to aim in a game? But I understand why they are doing this. Since they can't make controlers with rumble packs in them anymore, releasing the controler without it would be a huge step back, to the PS1 days. Still, i dont think the motion sense makes up for the loss of the rumble pack.

Also what surprised me, sort of, is how very not bad Nintendo's conference was. In fact, I thnk they pretty much made all the right moves in theirs. This is what a conference should be like. Starting off with the huge fan service of all the fan boy's favourite man orchestrating the theme for zelda, was genious. Nintendo wasted no time showing off loads of Wii and DS games, and the hardware. Man, did this conference revitalize my belief in the Wii

more on this....later!