Shame on you all for trying to deceive him. Ijust promoted the WII and I am a 360 guy. The pricey PS3 and the defective 360 is not worth the money based on this guy's gaming preferences. I mean come on, platformers, action adventure on either system? Forget it, just stick with the WII.
osea_style's forum posts
Just be patient, I heard Sony will release its exclusive "Cleandisk PS3 4.0"just in time for the holiday season.
I went to my local Swedishsupermarket (like wal-mart) today and I looked at the games section and found only 5 games for PS3. MeanwhileI have been inundated with news of new 360 Fall releases such as Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Ace Combat 6, Halo 3, etc.
But I'll be fair,PS3 people can still look forward to supersmash hit hot fall release of cleandisk PS3 4.0. Also, let's not forget all the great blue ray movies that are coming out because that's why you buy a console right? Ceteris Paribus.
Thanks for the reassurance. The first game I will pick up will be gears of war (unless mass effect is released before August) and I hope GoW has nice control features unlike Perfect Dark.
I'll post again when I finally decide which console (probably in late August) to buy.
I am still a next-gen virgin in that I haven't bought a system yet. I've flirted with 360 and Wii but never PS3. I was serious about 360 for a while but I played Perfect Dark at a friend's place and the controller really turned me off. I could not navigate for the life of me in that game and I thought the control system in that game was awkward.
My last console was gamecube and I played shooters before on PC so I am not a newbie. Is it just me or was the control system in Perfect Dark retarded? I want some reassurance from more experienced 360 owners that the controller is easy to use. I can't really try it out on different games because 12 year olds crowd all the game stores so it's hard for me to try the games on display.
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