Sorry about that triple posting It kept sending me back so yea sorry
Ok so the CoD WaW Beta is out for about a 4 days I think and I got invited to play in it. So heres the scoop, enjoy :)
Part 2
Well i got leveled capped in 1 day. The level cap was 11 but still it took me 56 minutes to cap, thats not bad. But anyways I found a lot about CoD WaW during the Beta. But in this section I;m going to talk about guns and attachments and also some challenges.
Well, There are 5 catorgories of guns- Bolt-Action Rifles, Rifles, Shotguns, Sub-Machinguns, and Machineguns.
Every gun can have attachments going from grips to grenade launchers.
The attachments are- Supressors and Flash Hiders, Aperture Sights (Red Dot), Telescope Sights(ACOG), Grips, Bayonets, Grenad launchers, Bipods, Sniper Scopes, and Double Magazines.
But not every gun can use all of these
The rifles can use- Supressor and Flash Hiders, Aperture Sights, Telescopes, and Grenade Launchers
The Bolt action Rifles can use- Bayonets, Grenade Launchers, and Sniper Scopes
The Shotguns can use- Grips and Bayonets
The Machineguns can use- Bipods and Bayonets
The Submachineguns can use - Supressors, Aperture Sights, and Double Magazines
Well to unlock these attachments you must complete Marksman challenges. Usually the supressors are I, then the Aperture are II and then a Bayonet or something special is always III.
Of course the Challenges are broken down into gun catorgories but there is also your Boot Camp Challenhes and Elite Challenges as well. A new section was added, Vehicles. I didnt get to do those challenges just the Boot Camp ones.
Well thanks for reading my Part 2 of CoD WaW Beta. Read tommorow about Part 3 and Im going to Explain some game modes, maps, ranks, and perks.
Thanks :)