are you connected to the net... try disconnecting your modem, then switch it on... might be glitchy network connection errors... but probably not... just a thought to try...
[QUOTE="Spikes10546"]yeah cause when i think about the replay value in trophies i think about playing trashR0rschach-
Sorry, i'm stupidfied. I could hardly understand that.
Anyways, you dont replay games for trophies. That's not right. You replay a game because you truly appreciate it for what it is; not because some dev decided to throw in some stupid trophies as an afterthought. So if you're actually going to replay MGO JUST cuz of trophies, then hell something is wrong with you. You shouldn't need materialistic incentives to go back to a game. Whether it's 100000000000 DP points, or a few new trophies.
yeah i think it really adds replay value... but i have noticed that it takes away from the initial experience of the game, because im worried about missing a trophy... sad but true...
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