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outbreaker8 Blog

My prediction was right!

So a few months ago I wrote a policy paper for my Intellectual Property module about the destruction of the public domain. Part of that essay was focussed on online censorship and the involvement of the court and law in denying access to content and entire websites.

At the time the UK courts had recently decided on a case involving NezBin[2] and the technical procedure BT had to put in place to prevent access (an extremely controversial decision). I predicted that similar techniques and attitudes would be implemented in future court cases and litigation, and what do you know, I was right! Today the high court ruled that 5 more ISPs must put systems in place to prevent access to Pirate Bay. The full decision has not been released yet, but it would definitely be worth a read when it does.

Now if only my predictions could go beyond the law, as next week's lottery numbers would be nice!

They lied to me!

Do a dissertation they said! It will be fun they said!

13,000 words in and this 'fun' has not materialised. Oh well, at least I have Gamespot to keep me sane-ish.

(The day may eventually come when I actually write a blog on here rather than work induced meaningless rants).