@therion_forever Being alittle hard on pc as far as being designed for top power goes as far as games that support the top power its more like 5 to 8 or so titles that support the full power of the pc but even then that power is still spotty depending on rig
@JunglemanchiId @outerlimit10 i hate pondering what to play on steam and if possable want to actually add eachother on steam? i find it would be easier to chat there rather then here add lenderian
@pongley @outerlimit10 For me its alice the ball bastian arkham asylum/city braid cavestory+ crysis 2 crysis 1 darksiders darksiders 2 dead rising 2 otr deus ex hr fear extraction point farcry 3 blood dragon fez grandtheft auto vice city half-life 2 ep 2 (later half of the game near the end) jade empire limbo lone survivor mark of the ninja mirrors edge overlard portal 2 Stalker call of pripyat/SoC saints row the third both red faction games shank 1 and 2 sleeping dogs stacking strike suit zero warhammer 40k spacemarine witcher 1 and 2 rage xcom and zeno clash are my backlog
woot 2 and a half more hours till the stream and i shall play dungeons of dredmor while i wait and talk to you guys pongley and other guy if he is still here
@pongley @outerlimit10 additionally i feel that i must impulse buy rembere me and a few other games next month and add more games to my pile of shame i will never play
@pongley @outerlimit10 also its funny how much this conversation deviated from that failclowns obvious trolling statement and in response as far as i go i have 270+ games on the pc anyways i find pc gaming to be cheaper
Also i really hope the next xbox is x86 based also since thats what devs are most likely going to port from so its best for us that they do make it x86 int he same move as sony although i doubt it won't be x86 since the new xbox is also using a slightly different jaguar unit from the ps4 as in essensually same processor
outerlimit10's comments