I'm glad they shared it to GG for Killzone 2. By the way, the secret is called, "Dedicated Servers."
outlawslevin's forum posts
The only reason I've ever done co-op on any game was simply for the achivements/trophies you can get for it. When it comes down to having my friend next to me to play split screen it isn't that fun. The game usually is really squished to fit and draws you out of being immersed or visually stunned. One person out of you two will be good or bad which leads to someone getting mad if you guys do poor at some point lol. What really isn't great about every game's co-op is being unable to fully customize the control schemes for each controller if your friend is just signed in as a guest at your house. R2 almost does that, but you can't have one controller with inversion and another without it.
However you cut it, playing through a story in co-op is something you do about one time only for the lure of a trophy or achivement. I do however think that more games need to impliment co-op modes like R2's co-op or Gears2's horde mode or COD5's nazi zombies. Those are pretty fun, but will get stale after a while or the trophy/achivement is achieved so it would be nice to see the game developers take the approach of making it have longevity while not losing its fun factor.
Now if you buy a FPS for co-op and that's what sells the game to you, then you are dumb consumer. Sorry to say, but that should never be the reason you BUY a shooter game, because developers don't focus all their time and strengths to make that the big eye candy of the game. The big seller will be its online components and the story. The story actually comes second to the online, because the stories purposes are usually to entrench you in a unique universe they made and get you used to how the game operates to make that transition to online.
Wait for the reviews if you are hesitant about dropping the 60 bucks on this and of course don't pass up going to a friends house or renting it to give it a try yourself. If you are looking for a FPS to sink your teeth into for the next few months or even more, then Killzone 2 looks like it will really deliver, but then again so did Gears 2 and we all know how that played out lol. ;)
[QUOTE="navstar29"][QUOTE="Zidaneski"]Then I highly suggest not getting this game, I highly doubt that there will be a feature to remove the blood, and to be honest a FPS without blood is kinda weird.I meant to say closest game to a FPS I played is Mirror's Edge. Yeah is everything from the eyes? If you roll in KillZone 2 will the camera roll too? I would watch videos but I'm very squimish to the blood.
I thought it was kinda cool that Gears 2 let you censor the blood and languge. I watched my friends play it for a little bit but it didn't censor the blood during the scene with escapeing the first worm and I almost threw up, lol.
Reading what you wrote at first I thought you were joking about being girly about a red liquid coming out of a person---a digital person at that. If you are a little kid, then play things made for your age group and just ignore this game coming out. If you are like 17+, then I think you need to man up to be honest.
As for how Killzone 2 plays just check out youtube or www.gametrailers.com. Type in Killzone 2 and you can find out how it plays. Really though the game is nowhere near as gruesome as say Gears 2 or Fallout 3 in the amount of digital red liquid you see. You will see a person's head get completely blown off if you get a headshot with the sniper and pockets of blood come out of enemies when you shoot them down.
If you are younger than 17 though, then stick to other games. If you are 17+ and a wussy though, then grow a pair. :) It's called tough love.
hmmsounds like i should play the 1st resistance game to know how it feels to play it.OrcsP2Don't need to. Just wiki Resistance up and read the story for the first one. It's like 2-3 paragraphs long and pretty easy to make sense of it all. You could also youtube the whole game from start to finish without ever playing it lol. :P
Someone earlier posted the 360 doesn't support USB keyboards I believe. If that's what you said you smoke crack. You just need a non wireless keyboard and you can use it to type messages or if you play the MMO final fantasy xi on 360 you can use it to play the game and type.
As for if you should get a 360, yes. Why? The biggest and best game line up for both exclusive and non exclusive games. I never owned the original xbox and I always thought the 360 was gonna do the worse of the 3 consoles. What changed my mind? That PS3 was too expensive and still to this date has only 1 game worth buying it for. (MGS4) Nintendo for me has also only had 1 game title to buy it for in my opinion. (Zelda) 360 has and will have:
Gears 1/2, Halo3, Call of Duty 4, Final Fantasy 13, The last Remnant, Star ocean 4, tales of vesparia, Banjo kazooie, Assassin's creed, prince of persia, mirror's edge, bioshock, infinite undiscovery, etc etc.
Those are all games you can bet I'll drop or have dropped the money on to play. Wether you have a lot of spare time or not, even if you don't know if you will play with your friends online, you will have some spare time that you will game on and you will want the console with the most options. As for the friends online business I think everyone can safely say who own's a 360 they have made at least 5 online friends that they don't know in real life but will play their games with on Live with them.
You don't need anyone to force you to get one, because you've already been tantalized by the 360's elure. Get one.
The first one like many said was really repetitive. You pretty much experienced the whole game in about 4 hours. I have a feeling the next one is going to be a global adventure of sorts in Altair's world to find those *things* (to not spoil it for people). They were shown to be in many places around the world so I imagine that AC2 will have more lavish places to go to. Desert towns, lavish jungle areas, etc etc.
I really hope though either #2 or #3 allows you to play as Desmond as the assassin in the year 2012. I want to scale skyscrapers, leap from construction sites, and ride around on semi trucks to get around town.
As for simple fixes to wherever the series goes we just need 3 basic things to re set the bar up a notch from the first one. 1) More weapons. 2) Specific ways intended to eliminate targets. (Many times even though it's a boss I could just rambo in and go for the sheath knife stabs without caring about guards.) To elaborate maybe you can for example only assassinate your next target by going to his room at night when he is asleep. Take all day to infilitrate the place. Get a new outfit to seem like one of his guards outside the door. Night comes-you shank the other guard. Go in and to your surprise he isn't there. Where is he? *Guards alerted by the dead one you had outside of the room.* You quickly have to scale out the guy's bedroom window. Climb to the top of a giant castle only to notice a remote tower in the distance of it. Carefully make your way through the top while being shot with arrows and you make it into the real bedroom where the man is protected by 5 of the most vicious guards. A real fight ensues and as you almost win-he takes his own life by leaping out the window you came in. The information you wanted is long gone...until you find his diary and blah blah blah next chapter of game.d
As for number 3) A little more heroics. I would love to try to be running to escape as I see a lamp pole/post and i quickly latch onto it to do a backwards kick to my foes. I know Altair is meant to be human, but at the same time he needs to be able to do some more WOW things in his approach to make the game better eye candy.
My 2 cents. :)
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