Having both controllers. The xbox controller is definately better for shooters.It all comes down to preferencebutthe 36o controller isheavy and the huge battery pack is a little annoying.
outlawz247's forum posts
ugh... 360 fanboys of course.
They've been defending the infamouosRROD and would buy a new360 over and over again even if it breaks.
Wow a mod joins this discussion?
google search show8,920,000 resultsfor Red ring of death. Inmy opinion RROD was a huge problem in the past definitely not in the minority. But MS has now somewhat fixed the issue.
I still have the game sitting on my shelf because I couldn't pass the 1st level. It feels like old school prince of persia in 3d.
Microsoft released their consolefirst but Sony already has made the slim.
What the hell is microsoft doing? Their consoleswere the ones with problems like red rings, e37, and disc scratching.
Microsoft was the company that needed a revised console first not Sony.
Hi guys.
I haven't been to GS system wars for a long time.
Can anyone tell me the status of the console war right now?
Are all the sheeps dead? Before, everyone just admitted that the wii has already won but now it seems to be a bit different.
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