" kekekek" Came from the korean players who were frequently paired up with American players back in the day. It was pretty much the only thing we could understand from them.
This game has to be taken with a grain of salt. It was made for Japanese first, without any thought to western culture and therefore shouldn't be held up to western standards.
Why can't I make phone calls and txt with this thing? It makes no sense. I don't care how big it is, I'd replace my phone with it. I definitely don't want to have to carry BOTH my phone AND the vita.... Ill wait this one out i think
While Dark Souls is the superior game in the sense of incredibly thought-out design and masterful gameplay and even puts the cherry on top with it's incredible psychological factor, it isn't for everyone. Its not a game your everyday joe-shmo gamer would play because they are noobs and it's too hard for them. That's why Skyrim won game of the year. There you have it - happy now people?
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