oxlighxo's forum posts
@Lulu_Lulu: I hope ffxv and mgsv makes the same thing,It's the reason behind why I buy ps4
Think you got things wrong, fatal frame wasn't a sony game. It was made by Tecmo.
The fatal frame games (older ones) appeared both on the PS2, Xbox and recently have appeared on psn for digital download on the PS3.
Nintendo acquired the rights after Fatal Frame 3 and the last two games have appeared on the Wii, with the newest one on the Wii U.
I know it's tecmo game
what i mean sony did not break the exclusive like what Microsoft has done with konami game ( metal gear v )
why sony waived about fatal frame ?
one of the best videogames sony is not fighting to get it back on her console
begin with VIII,that's what I started
@Lulu_Lulu: i think mgsv will be the reason to purchase the largest number ps4
ff7 got best story like I heard if they remake it,that will be great
and will superior to all parts
why they make metal gear v phantom pain on play station 3 too ? !
I heard before it will be project for ps4 like usually sony do in a new generation
and this first time microsoft winning to decoding exclusive metal gear on it's console
my favorite was 8,10 and 13
if they remake ff7 that will be great due the story of ff7 is awesome as I heard
It was awesome game
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