this is just about the details ,like boss battles , actually just boss battles and the ending.
first boss: an executionar , he wants to cut off rustams head with his egyptian style axe , he's fat and wears a mask over his head ,after he's defeated u take his axe.
second boss: minotaur , he wears some armour and a helmet , he uses two swords and can charge at u with his horns , u kill him wen rustam's curse turns on and the minotaur gets shocked fr two seconds and rustam kills him.u take his double swords.
third boss: a guy in armour with a spear and shield , after he dies u take his weapons. (spear and shield:P)
by the way ,these r just the bosses ive made until now ,there r more.
forth boss:rustams cousin ,he wears a lot of heavy armour and carries a sword , u turn into evil rustam and kill him.rustam gets kinda sad cuz his cousin was his best friend.etc
after all of the generals die rustam attacks his uncles palace single-handedly ,then confronts his uncle about everything and then stabs him.before his uncle dies he releases the curse fully and ................
final boss: EVIL RUSTAM!!!this guy has ur moves and has evil powers .
after the fight rustam is almost dead and bleeding ,his evil selfe is about to kill him ,and rustam(good) remembers that he held a sword that belonged to his father(he never knew his father but he knew that he came from the east country and was a great warrior) rustam held the sword and said a prayer his mother taught him then suddenly rustam finds himself holding the blood covered sword and his evil self bleeding over the ground ,then evil rustam starts floating into the air and out of his stomach appear chains which rap around him and then evil rustam dissapears in a flash of red light and a mask falls to the ground ,before rustam leaves the palace he saw out of the corner of his eye a shadow ,wen he realized the shadow was there rustam spun around but found nothing .rustam was honoured as a hero by the king . end of part one