thank you! that was the analogy i was looking for. :p i thought this topic died by like the first page so. and someone bumped it by saying this thread is retarded. look, if you want to prove a point, just post:"kill this thread" i already have my answer and if you guys wanna talk about rs or how crappy it is just go to thier forum... i dont want any of your oppinions about the game. of btw, i am a lv78 member, just bought full gilded. but i didnt want to show off or anything.:pPlaying Runescape is like climbing a bigass hill. If you make it past the summit (level 50 or so), it actually gets fun.
Me? I quit at level 35. Plenty of my friends still play though.
p00k1's forum posts
no offence but how old are you? if your above like 9 then why the the ass hell are you playing RSjensen_slipknotIm 15 infact... and I play because Im a member and actually got passed lv70 when it starts getting fun.. Im guessing you quit during tutorial island...
hey add me my code is:0789373026041731 and username is joshhi every one merry christmas.
please add me:
nickname:the truth
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