I was able to play 1920x1080 and i beat it in like 2 days.
p0is0nven0m's forum posts
I'm just wondering if people play the multiplayer on PC, the xbox 360 version seems to have quite a nice community and I'm considering buying the PC version.
I like the newer ones, but I'm a completionist and they frustrate me because you have to go back later after you beat a level and use different characters. I like how it gives you more stuff to do, but it just feels weird to me.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146025Well, I found that case easily and the specs are good. That'll be roomy :)
Actually I gotta say that smc's suggestion looks really good for the price. You can get cases for like 50 bucks on newegg as well like this one:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147144which I've just recently ordered to replace a small hp case. You can cases for cheap. The one you said you were going to get I have no clue about but if you like it and as long as it has enough airflow, go with it.
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