yeah that was a good list, all the ones i forgot, well couldnt be bothered to type out lol, most of my games would probably run ok, i have over 200. whats the specs?
anyone else getting a little bored with seeing the same old settings for fps games? dont get me wrong i love the ww2 games but i think the setting has been totally covered by now well the european campaign by now perhaps except for scandnavian countries. but whats wrong with ww1 as a setting, trench warfare and all that madness, or how about more cthulhu esq 1920's settings all creepy old houses and tommy guns lol. or more cowboy games? perhaps a medieval or rome esq fps rpg like oblivion or something based on the seas like in waterworld, or a urban warfare/vigilante type game set now in our city streets inspired by outlaw or how about a cyberpunk game as we now have the shadowrun game. any thoughts guys?
UK- the government has unveiled plans to force every citizen to be used as a organ donor unless they sign a specific register to opt out, i belive this to be a step to far and resent the government telling me what to do with my own body. i am not against being a organ donor but i am against being forced to be one by people in ivory towers, what is next if they get away with this? what else will they do, this is the beggining of the end for civil right here. i can only say i will be signing the register to opt out just as a protest and hope that many others will do so aswell, hopefully it may force their hand to reconsider this lunacy. didnt we go to war in iraq because of a dictator? yet we have one at home, on our own doorstep. what do you think about this situation? refuse, resist, rise up, revolt.
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