p3boi's forum posts
Dude, I had a 360 and a ps2 too. Well, before the playstation 3 came out.
I was stuck in the same situation you was, until I realized the plus of getting a ps3. It is true 1080p, it plays blu rays(which is wining the war right now), it will have fantastics games come out for it soon(MGS4, GTAWIV, motostorm, etc). So after I thought of all that I was still stuck in deciding wheather to get it or not b/c of the price. Well I sod my 360, and 4 games with it, and got 450 for it. I sold my playstation 2 and got like $50 bucks for it. So I had 500 dollars and no game. So I invested in a PS3, and it was the best thing I did after getting married. It is worth everybuck, so to awnser your question, no it is not worth having a 360 and a ps3, but it is worth selling your 360 for a ps3.
Is this what I bought a PS3 for, average ports of Xbox 360 and PC games?
I mean just look at the scores gikshven by Gamespot on the PS3 review page as I write this. On screen are 15 games with best 9.5 Oblivion and worst 3.7 Super Rub A Dub and an average across them all of 7.3.
Ok, I hear you cry foul because of the duck crap thing, but I honestly think it's true. PS3 games are poor.
I paid one hell of a chunk of dosh for my PS3 and I don't play it. Because the games that are on the PS3 are already out on the 360 and have been for around 6 to 12 months and are far cheaper. So I buy for the 360. I bought Tiger Woods 2007 on PS3, even after reading it had less courses to play and it's average at best. Not bad online, but was it worth the £40? Nope.
I own Resistance, not that ain't bad. A good start one thought. But I can't the pissing thing to play online. But it's not on the 360 so I was happy to shell out for it. Motorstorm. Not bad, not bad at all. It easy to play, great online. And looks stunning. Yeah this is what I wanted. Ridge Racer 7 is absolutely dire and I am selling it after playing it 3 or 4 times.
But where are the rest of the games that will stun the world? F.E.A.R got it on PC, Oblivion got it on 360 for £17.99 from play.com........ COD 3 I've got on 360.
It truly looks like the only time we PS3 owners will get a top game is when they write bespoke to the PS3. The industry (based on the review on Gamespot) don't appear to make the extra effort to get the game running as well or looking as good as on the 360 or PC.
Looks like that for the next 12 months I will be spending 90% of my dosh on 360 and PC games. Wish I'd waited until next year to buy a PS3 and ain't that a sad thing to say....
Shut up please
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