...and my enthusiasm has curbed a bit.It's still fun to play but alot of the games have been lopsided affairs.15 run games are common and while i know that IP'03 is an arcade styled Baseball game,i would have liked the games to be a bit closer in the end.Some games are decided in the later innings and would you believe i almost threw a shutout!They scored 2 in the 9th.It's still fun as heck to knock the ball around and keeping the opposition from scoring remains a challenge.Another turn off and something die hard fans may not like are the overblown stats your players will accumulate.It's not so much the HR's,although you'll hit alot of them,but more-so the batting averages.The majority of my team is batting close to, or over .400 and i'm already at the end of the first month of play.I don't think i'll be able to get through a whole season without simulating at least a month and a half of the 162 game schedule,and that should bring some stats back down to earth.Other than that,Buck and McCarver still call an awesome game and every once in a while surprise me with player insight and comedic commentary.If i could sum up what i think about Microsoft's Inside Pitch '03 with one word,i'd have to go with "charming".And while it was far from being on par with any of the other MLB games that released in '02,IP'03 dared to be different.And that uniqueness is what i enjoy most about this game even now in 2013.It would be great if IP'03 made a jump to the next generation console.A few tweaks here and there and fans of MLB video games could have a whole new way to play MLB in '13-'14!
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