paddy12's forum posts
will a Thomson SpeedTouch 576 Wireless ADSL Modem Routeranybody answer my question
will work to get my ds wifi up and ready and online???paddy12
to get my ds wifi up and ready and online???
Coded Arms control setup:
Analog: look around
L-button: move foward
Square and Circle: Move left and right
X button move:back
Triangle: Jump
R button:shoot
do u have to have the controls like this
soz bout the big writing do u have to have controls like this or can u have em like this
Analog: look around
R button:move forward
L-button: move back
Square and Circle: Move left and right
X button:shoot
Triangle: Jump
can u have them like this? plus how do u change ure weapons on it the arrow keys?
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