The US Military, no doubt... No other conventional army can compare.
The People Liberation Army lacks the technology, despite its large scale.In the air they are generations behind the West, with their J-10's and SU-27's being roughly equivalent to F-16's, however they lack the avionics, missle quality, and support (AWACS, in-flight refueling). The PLA Navy is largely a 'brown water' navy, with quite a few 'blue-water' pieces bought from the Russians. Probably the best things they have are ASW weapons, with decent destroyers, Akula's, and a few of the exceptional Daulphin ASW helicopters. Their aircraft carriers still lack the supporting ships to have 'Carrier battle groups' like the US, and don't really have any comparable naval fighters. On the ground they still rely on static large bore artillery, and Eastern tanks are still generations behind the West (which Iraq found out rather painfully, as their masses of T-55's and T-72's were slaughtered). Although they have hordes of infantry. But, none of that matters as the US would probably never attempt to invade such a large country, and China lacks the ability to project force.
Russia is simply a shadow of its formal self. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are much smaller and less lethal than the Red Army, shown by their blundering invasion of Georgia in 08. It's navy has shrunk from nearly 700 combat vessels in 1985 to 77 operational combat vessels in 2008. The Russian Air Force is also smaller, lacks modern avionics, and has retired or sold most of their bombers (losing most of their best bombers such as the Tu-160 Blackjacks). They also lack the support AWACS and refueling planes. A Russian AF General even said "They can run bombing missions only in the daytime with the sun shining, but they miss their targets anyway". The Russian Ground Forces are in a similar situation as the PLA, lack of technology and dependent on masses of infantry, static artillery, and obsolete tanks and APCs.
Sweden, Japan and Isreal have outstanding defensive militarys that lack the ability to project force, but are practically invincible against invaders. And other Western Nations (France, Germany, UK) have similar capabilities as the US, but lack the grandiose scale.
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