A happy blog because it's been suggested that my last blog was sad.
by pagman_rox on Comments
Because some people have said that my last blog was depressing. If you have an iPod (or even if you don't) I suggest you subscribe to top of the pods. Go subscribe now. Now that's done I must try to keep my blog happy:), happy:), happy:) but that is kind of hard as there is a bug currently and it's really making me mad. It took me about 5 minutes to get to my profile so I could write this blog and there is nothing on TV tonight. However since CSI is on this week and it is new I'm quite excited. New Years was quite boring but New Years day was fun as I went to my friends house and we made a music video. Still trying to keep my blog :) but I do believe that I've run out of things to say so I'm going to stop writing.