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Ramblings from a psychopath who just finished school.

Schools out for winter. Three weeks of no school, no learning, and very little homework that I won't do anyway...

...Today was house music. My house came 2nd overall and won both melodrama and small group. We got a placing in everything we did expect chosen song (Ain't to Proud to Beg) but that's okay, it was a pretty bad song choice if I do say so myself. All I got today was a headache from everyone yelling as loud as they could. Days like this I'm glad drugs (legal drugs...) were invented.

I'm going to Sydney next week so I look forward to doing shopping in Australia. I need to get some books and I'm looking for a new pair of shoes, and some new jeans. Shirts are also good so if I find some good ones I'll buy them. Going to Australia means missing good shows like CSI and Lost though. The Lost episode I saw last week OMG! Sure I knew <b>SPOILERS</b> Michael was going to shoot Libby and Ana Lucia but still, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Anywho must be going. There are things to do, shows to watch, and books to read. Until my next blog...