I am on vacation yet here I am writing this blog. I shall describe in detail my exploits during my time here in Australia when I get backĀ but for now I shall just say I have two new editorships. They're for Carmine Giovinazzo (Danny in CSI: NY) and Gerald McCullouch (my 2nd favorite CSI character Bobby Dawson!!!) So yeah... YAY for me!!!
Those of you who do bother to read various fanfics of mine will be please to hear the I did actually write some stuff for them while I was away. I haven't done anything on my parodies though. When I was writing my parodies I was going through I dark time in my life. I was depressed and on more than one occasion thought that by being moved to NZ my parents had ruined my life. I used humor as a way out. Now I'm considerably more happy and the humor just isn't how it used to be. I shall try but I doubt I could ever recapture the humor that I used to write with.
I also made my very first CSI music video. I shall post that when I get back as well. I arrive back in NZ on Wednesday so expect a series of blogs on Thursday or mayhaps Wednesday because I get back at about 12pm so there will be plenty of time to blog.