Who said blogs need a topic?
by pakkitman90 on 1 Comments
Imma run amok with this one. Random tidbit you didn't know about me (other than who I actually am, heh): I'm good at Scrabble. And I still don't qualify as a nerd at school. It's quite refreshing. Here's a tip to be able to excersize "nerdy" activities, without looking like a nerd: don't do them or talk about them around girls, or around guys if its something that most of them would consider nerdy, Scrabble included. So all of my guy friends know that I have a Dreamcast and love it, and maybe a handful know that I know that QINTARS is playable in Scrabble, and would qualify as a bingo. I have my Dad to blame for introducing me to this evilly addictive game. Now to punish him, I'm pretty much better than him at the game. I'm not gonna say entirely but we're about 60/40 right now. Okay, other news. For the third year in a row, I've done my Christmas shopping almost exclusively online. Face it people, shopping for other people, at least if your a guy, is snorzville. There is something satisfying about thinking of something to get your grandma on the fly, searching it on Amazon, and ordering that sucker and never worrying again. The few dollars extra you pay for that service is nothing in comparison to the tedious walks, lines, and stores you'd have to wade through at the mall. Malls are evil places, something I discovered when I went with my now ex-girlfriend and her 3 friends to Pentagon City mall. There are still pictures of me cowering in the corner while they forced me into Victoria's Secret etched into my retinae. Let's talk about Rainbow Cotton. Easily the most ill-recieved game in the Japan only Cotton series, and a black eye in the Dreamcast's good import library. I bought this game and surprisingly liked it. The control was a little touchy, but as long as you came to understand that small movements were to aim, while big movements of the analog were for sweeping dodge moves, I became pretty good at the game. However, the games code is disturbingly unstable, enough to warrant a patch, something that was very possible given Dreamcast's online connectivity. The game crashed at least 10 times, something unacceptable given the fact that saving is only for the options, and not actually for the arcadey single player mode. Eventually I beat it. Here's the deal: this game is actually fun (although it doesn't stack up to that other "shooter" Rez), and it oozes atmosphere and style, but the unstable code is what really hurts this strong title. Thus I gave it a 6.9 rating instead of something in the high sevens. However, I've tried a few copies of this game, and they all have the same amount of bugs. Still, the fact that there are multiple routes, it has a great sense of style and Japanese-quirkiness, and the great sound work makes it a pretty good pickup for your import library. Finally, I think it should be announced that I finally own an arcade stick, and it makes a world of difference for some games. While it hurt a few games, most noticably the shmups due to slightly loose sticks, and Power Stone 2 because of the strange layout, most of the games were a lot better with the stick I used (Blade Twin Arcade Stick). It also has some neato features, such as built in rumble (on both sides so you could isolate it on one players side), turbo buttons, a VMU slot, and the fact that it is essentially two arcade sticks in one made it well worth the 30 bucks I laid down for it. Finally, I leave you with a question: why do men have nipples?