Most gamer blogs are probably full of the "Halo 3" topics already, and will continue to do so. So i'm gonna follow the hype, as rest of the gamers out there.
Not to bore anyone with the history, Halo 3 follows Halo and Halo 2 in one of the most successfull gaming franchises in history. Enough said! But, what is good about this game?
Well, I started playing during the weekend and finished the first part rather quickly however I have rather mixed emotions regarding it. For one, the game allows for alot of instant action, linear path and most of the same that make a FPS good. The graphics are, well they are not as groundbreaking as i thought they would be. But this has been blazing through the intrawebs lately, that it is in 640p. I'm not gonna say if it is, as i lack the necessary technological knowledge (and the will) to actually test that theory out. But lets not dwell on that.
But the gameplay is pretty solid, the story is quite immersive and you feel like you are actually there. However, the constant firing bad guys while you try to save the universe gets repetative. This is probably why I like more the FPS games that allow for more exploration, minigames and other fun stuff to do while shooting bad guys, plots, dead ends and so forth (Bioshock for example).
Granted, that I don't have played through the game, but these are the problems i'm facing at the moment.
Ammo is annoying me as well. The lack of it actually. I do like that i can use the enemies guns, and they are often more fun! But at the time i stopped playing last night, I had lost all ammo, and had no way to shoot through some "huge guys with stopping power of tötalhelldeath" but i could do melee.
Ok, First Person Shooter.
Shooting, fun, killing aliens = Good Times! but no.
Overall, Halo 3 is (so far) a good fun, and i love it. However, there are some factors that are annoying, but not game breaking. So overall, i'm pleased but it could have been great.