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What's happening at Gamespot AU?

For those reading....

You may or may not have noticed my lack of GSAU activity in the many months. In short, I've just been busy and a few other things since I stopped posting.

I guess the main thing that substantially limited the amount of free time I could dispose of on GSAU forums was that during my Uni holidays (when I would traditionally become a lazy, do nothing, game-playing, forum posting, lazy, do nothing drain on the economy) I instead, a much to my disappointment, did rather well at a job interview and worked full time for about 4 months at my local DSE store. Surprisingly, I actually quite enjoyed it. Well, I enjoyed the constant flow of money which was more than enough for me since I live at home. I didn't enjoy some of the less informed questions that sometimes got asked though. Better not go any further than that since it seems nowadays anything you write on the world wide webs can be used against you unfortunately.

And then Uni started again so that's kept me busy, but at least I have a bit more time off.

Gaming wise I've just been playing through GTA4 again. Got KZ2 as well, but was pretty disappointed with it. It looks amazing, but the aiming is just horrible and laggy. I invested in a new laptop as well which is nice as it allows me to play some PC games again, which I've missed since my old PC became underpowered and thus redundant. It's also amazing when hooked up to my Full HD TV. So on that I bought Mass Effect, but am finding it a bit slow to start off with. I also got Empire: Total War which I'm really enjoying now that they've ironed out most of the bugs and glitches.

So what's changed around here? Anything I should know before I consider posting more regularly again? Mutinies? Rebellions? More of those awesome competitions? You get the idea. Let me know!