- papachump’s Activity
@bababooey12: Honestly, lets not. Even the new gen can barely do 4k 60. I don't give a shit about 8k AT ALL. Gimme more frames and competent HDR.
@Lord_Sesshy: THIS.This article is really just trash. OF FUCKING COURSE a top of the line nvme drive beats a pos 5400 rpm HDD. WHO GIVES A SHIT. Put a good SDD in your XBX and THEN tell me something.
@bababooey12: You are assuming something that is in fact highly likely to be untrue. The throughput of the PS5 hardware from storage to screen is more than DOUBLE that of the Series X. What in the wor...
Yeah this insistence by Blizz that WoW remain PC exclusive is just stupid and feels childish. FF XIV has proven that hot bar MMOs can work well on a controller. They either just don't want to do the w...
@Blk_Mage_Ctype: I want to like BDO but it runs like crap on consoles even the pro/X.
@Tyralyon: IF all you are doing is playing games designed with current gen throughput as your baseline, then sure. But that's what makes these new consoles so exciting. They both have increased tremen...
@gamer112696: it's not really about the "performance gain" on current gen software as it is about how much it changes game development to have such a huge pipeline from storage to screen. It really wi...
@deactivated-5e73d38d97566: Indeed but now imagine that not only do you have a SSD that is blazingly fast you have a machines entire architecture designed to take full advantage of that throughput. Th...
@nargg: They aren't though. Series X SSD doesn't have the same speed as PS5
@merritt: Well that's just it we don't really know which machine is going to be better utilized by developers. They both have their own significant strengths. I personally can't wait to see what they ...
@ricochile: pretty much the case for both systems I would say.
@gamer112696: The real difference isn't just about the load times it's the pipeline from storage to ram to APU. The throughput that is available base line on every PS5 is MILES beyond what we have now...
@Keivz_basic: For the first couple of years this is probably largely going to be the case but that first game that really takes full use of the pipeline they have built in the PS5 from storage to APU ...
@gamer112696: I think they are trying to do just that. Whether they succeed or not is going to be the real question. But saying they do, this now gives developers a base line throughput that is LEAGUE...
@Shilleto: They are doing something similar, yes, but not as thorough or as fast as Sony it seems. Microsoft is leaning more on graphical power and Sony is leaning on custom architecture for their SSD...
@nargg: I do and yes it is. NVME PC architecture is NOT as efficient nor does it have the flexibility that Sony has built into the PS5. Slapping a high speed drive into a PC doesn't change the REST of...
The majority of comments here seen to indicate that they either didn't watch the Sony Cerny/GDC presentation or just don't understand what it is Sony has actually done here.The SSD in PS5 is NOT like ...
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