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15 Years of Gaming: Part Fifteen

Fifteen years ago to the day, for the first time ever, I held a game controller in my hands. Even though there have been moments where I've gone weeks or even months without playing a game, I've identified myself as a gamer first, before anything else. That first victory in Gran Turismo, a seemingly insignificant race at the time, has led to a long life of playing video games, dedicating thousands upon thousands of hours in front of a screen, playing whatever I could get my hands on or whatever I felt like playing at the time. It's been a good fifteen years. I've enjoyed just about every minute of it. You know, the moments where I'm not shouting at the screen in frustration.

I'm looking forward to what the future holds for me as a gamer. The eighth generation of video games has begun and already I'm behind. The Wii U has already been out for some time, but I don't have one at the moment. The reason is mostly because there aren't too many games that I'd play on it. I know that there will be an upcoming Smash Bros. game. I, for one, am hoping it'll be called Super Smash Bros. Fisticuffs, just to be out of whack with the rest. If there's a Mario Party game coming out on the Wii U, that'll be another great game. I've always kind of enjoyed the Mario Party series as a party game.

Most people I see on the internet seem to despise the upcoming Xbox One and almost glorify the PS4. No idea why people are clamoring over a console we haven't even seen yet. I've nothing against Sony and the people behind the PS4, but my goodness, that is a shocking controller design. It looks like two Move controllers with a giant touchpad connecting the two. How does that touchpad work anyway? Will I be able to see what I'm touching or do I just have to go nuts and hope for the best. I get that a screen would be hard to implement directly on the controller, but what is that? And do we really need a share button right on the controller there? I don't know. I said that at some stage, I wish to own all three next gen consoles, but unless Sony come out with a new controller design for the PS4 (think the Wii U Pro Controller here), I don't want a PS4. I think it might be the most awful design I've seen behind the Dreamcast.

Don't assume I'm sold on the Xbox One, either. The controller looks much the same as the 360 one, which is a definite plus. I still think, aside from the directional pad, it's the most well-designed games controller ever made. The console looks sleek and wouldn't look out of place next to my Foxtel unit (which a lot of people don't seem to like). Just that liquid black look is great. I wonder how black it is, though, if it's supposedly the darkest black possible. All my other devices, save for my Wii, are black, so if I pack my Wii up and all my other consoles are side by side, which would look the darkest. I'd assume the Xbox One, since they claim it's darker, but how much darker?

The one thing I'm looking forward to the most about the Xbox One is the new games that are coming out. Forza Motorsport 5 looks absolutely incredible. The one thing I don't like about racing games on the Xbox is that, as I mentioned earlier, racing games are that much better with a racing wheel. Logitech make excellent wheels but they're only for use on the Playstation 3 and the PC. How many people play racing games on a PC anyway, as opposed to consoles? There is Mad Catz, of course, but I don't ever see them at EB Games, only online. But, see, they're exclusively for Xbox 360. Why can't there just be one steering wheel compatible with every console?

But no, Forza 5 should be great. Another series I've still haven't put a lot of time into, which I'm hoping I can turn around as the next generation starts, is the Halo series. Basically, I've played a fair bit of the first game, but not much more after that. I've played some of the rest here and there, but one thing I've wanted to do is to play each game, back to back (not necessarily consecutively) in local co-op. I don't mind co-op online, but it's much more fun in local multiplayer. I'm wondering if Peter would enjoy the idea. Maybe we could get two people switching in and out so that there's more of us involved during a level. Like, when you die, you switch controls.

Something that we could end up doing is maybe setting up a Youtube channel and uploading footage of said co-op series, as well as some other stuff we could do. I know Peter's got a couple of ideas for that, so I've got to talk to him about that. Maybe we could get one of those channels going where there's a number of series at one time, if I can get all my mates into doing it. I wouldn't count on it, because that turned out great with the Pokémon trading card game that we were all going to play. Who knows, though? But yeah, that'd be something that I'd be likely to really get into. I know that Peter said he's got some stuff that he can use to get started.

So that's what lies ahead for me as a gamer. I've decided not to buy either the Playstation 4 or the Xbox One on launch. I'll wait for, say, 12 months so I can try and get a good deal on it. Sometime soon, I want to get a Nintendo 3DS, but there aren't too many good sales going on right now. In fact, all of the bundles just seem like their normal price. I'd be happy with $299 if two or three good games were included. I just hope that between now and the release of Pokémon X and Y, there's a good bundle I can get, because I want to get those games on launch. That's all I've got to say for this blog series. I've enjoyed the two weeks I've spent doing it. I hope you've enjoyed reading it.

Wii U, Playstation 4 or Xbox One: Which next-gen console has your vote? Let me know in the comments section below.

Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05 | Part 06 | Part 07 | Part 08 
Part 09 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15