@Gankstar_VX84 @blackraven711 @vadagar1 what saves the ds 3 in my opinion is the weapon creation, you can combine so many types of weapons, it`s mindblowing, the rest is rehashed shit, but again the weapon creation is just great, for me it saves the game
I play system shock 2 right now, and I can say the gameplay it`s all that counts, so great, destiny has just great graphics and some cool guns and thats`s it, I dont see anything special, and a shooter on a console is just fail
damn it`s so hard to find a good zombie game, I want something like land of the dead but more polished, dead island was good but too many melee weapons, too little firearms
X is right my mind is only on games and when i couldn`t get of a game stage i`m thinking at that game continuously until i solve the problem(excuse my bad english i`m from Romania)
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