Amusing set of comments, as usual.
Killzone 2 on PS3 does look good, the original on PS2 was a decent game, if rather hard. Otherwise, I'm not a massive fan of Japanese RPGs, and many of the other upcoming/recently released games are sequels of games I didn't really enjoy the first time round. I'm also a fan of driving games, but there is literally nothing on PS3 at the moment to get me excited, although I'm sure that will change once GT5 proper comes out. The Christmas catalogue on 360 though was relatively strong, and I am missing not being able to play Gears 2 or Fable 2.
I'm in the UK so don't benefit from the full extent of MS or Sony's online services. I can only then compare the UK services between the two systems and I think that Live generally offers more, particularly since NXE, and makes it worth the £40 a year, imo. I think the 360 Arcade catalogue tops that on offer on PSN, particularly when it comes to original titles, I was loving Braid before the RROD. I can otherwise take or leave the old console ports, I've still got a couple of what are probably now called "retro" machines, so would rather play Street Fighter 2 on the SNES, for instance.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing LBP but I just don't think its the halo game for the PS3 that many want it to be. Ok, I don't have a huge amount of time on my hands to be able to get in to the level creation side of it, so perhaps I'm missing the point?
I probably have got a duff DS3 controller so will take it back to the shop. I agree though that the 360 build quality is a joke and its my main concern about going back to MS. My first two machines were early ones but were fortunately replaced by the store I bought them from, so I didn't have to get involved in the repair process myself. The third machine otherwise lasted about 18 months before it broke, and I then got the PS3.
Will keep the PS3 then, not least because the local stores are only offering £140 trade-in on a 3 month old 80Gb, and will see if I can't otherwise resurrect the broken 360 thats still sat in my living room, so I can get the best of both worlds.
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