i was gonna get it but im getting the LE splinter cell conviction so i will rent it for sure and maybe buy it later but there so meany games this year that look awesome i got the LE of heavy rain worth it i wanted to get just cause probz still do coz i mean the map is huge and theres alot to do lolz anyway this year is awesome!!!!
parkway_kid's forum posts
i dont know if u like action games but theres just cause 2 that is kool i played the demo and it was awesome just rent it trust me if u like action games u will love just cause
mercs 2
assassins creed 1&2 LE
star wars fu
gta 4 LE
heavy rain LE
r&c a crack in time
r&c ps3
uncharted 2
need for speed pro street
mortal kombat DC
alone in the dark inferno
splintercell 4
army of two
guitar hero world tour and legends of rock
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