Besides it being completely tasteless looks boring as all hell.
partydude123's forum posts
Ok, Ok, First things first, i know im not the first person to create such a topic like this but i can guarantee i will not be the last. This post is intended to create some hopeful and creative ideas for the infamously speculated yet unconfirmed addition to the seriesGrand Theft Auto V.As the next game in this series has not yet been released or confirmed I will join the consensus and assume that this game will be called GTA V. I along with others speculate that this game will actually not have a Roman-Numerals in the title and maybe titled after the city it features. Now lets begin I'm putting forward my ideas you may like or dislike either way and I respect your opinion as much of my own.
In all honesty my favourite GTA game is San Andreas. This has been my favourite mainly due to its size and many activities and places to explore.HAving the availability of the three cities in one game really won it for me. There was so many places to go and as the story transitioned a felt miles away from any of the other cities. If GTA V were to infact use this as a city I would find it amazing. Playing San Andreas on the Gta IV engine by itself would be fantastic, playing San Andreas with a brand new story line characters and location would create and stunning and engaging game.
This city has been featured before though and the Rockstar developers may be looking at other cities inside and out of the U.S. I personally beleive that any other cities outside the USA wont work. The GTA universe has been created defined and centralized by the American enviroment it is in. By placing this in a differnt country you lose the GTA universes social norms and values and take on a different countries beleifs. Voice acting would seem weird as well. I would love GTA to be set in my country or my city but (Im from Australia) and quite frankly it would seem really weird seeing people walking around and talking with Australian accents.
As seen in GTA IV Rockstar has honestly taken GTA down a very serious and surreal path. In its predessesor San Andreas you could skydive, fly planes, Apache helicopters, quad bikes, modify cars, get tattoos, haircuts, and a much wider variety of clothing to buy. GTA IV picked it up and deecided to scrap all these. I personally think that these were great qualities and should have remained in the game. You can do crazy fun stuff in GTA IV but your very very confined to what you can do. With the release of GTA IV: The ballad of gay tony the more funner and crazier side of GTA IV was shown with parachuting, helicopter gunships and ridiculous missions. These (for me) made GTA the ridiculous in the way it let you do things you could never do in real life. San Andreas, Vice City, Gta III were all like this I hope with GTA IV they keep this serious sense but actually play some crazy stuff.
This part is self explanitory but It would be nice to have drop in or out co-op online were you can do missions with your friends.
A fun aspect would be having realistic police. Police who fine you for speeding and different Police randomly react violently or passively to situations. Like you speed past a police car, they put on sirens and chase you down, you pull over at this stage the Police and can aggressive by running and ripping you out of the car and giving you a good beating or the Police may just give you a fine. As this is the GTA universe i would assume the taser would a popularly over used weapon by the police. A criminal record would be a cool idea were you may recieve extreme aggression by the Police due to past crimes. This criminal record can be cleaned by pay offs to the correct people in the police department and of course this amount will be based on how bad your crimes are.
When walking around town there should be neighbour hoods and dark alleys were you dont dare to walk in fear of mugging, assault or death. This would be cool because then you as the player wouldnt be the only person robbing and killing people in town.
Player Stats, Fighting and Fat
This system would be based of San Andreas' system were you get better driving skill etc. and can learn new fighting ****, go to the gym and work out, or have a major eating session at cluckin' bell.
Guns(and lots of them)
Weapon choice was very poor in GTA IV in my opinion. There was always a good pistol or the bad pistol no in between this was for all the gun types. There should be more and due to the death of ammunation in GTA IV players should be able to order guns of the internet which then are availablle at there house the next day.
Crib Customization
The player should be able to create there own pad or crib and make it look like how they want. From your crappy house at the start to the mega mansion near the end you should be able to customize how you like and get extics such as a firing range in your mansion and much much more.
Car Customization
This one needs no explaining.
Player appearance
Ive left this for last because its the most debatable but changing the appearance(facial structure and such) of your characteer this may or may not work due to the character always being unchangable in appearance except in clothing and hair. This may be good but may not work.
I hope you liked my ideas and I give your free will to hate on or like. Feel free to gove your ideas and opinions. Im always open for new ideas.
Thanks for reading!!
is the new dash board definatly coming out wen live comes back or they "preparing" for a release l8r on in the year????????
im confused cause ive read that this is just prep for the a release in november WTF?!?!?
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