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I Can't Stand Fried Dynamite!

Okay, I've been watching this fried dynamite stuff inbetween shows and wow, it is not funny at all. It's really annoying and the "jokes" are lame. For example, hiding a treasure chest full of nachos down at the bottom of an aquarium. Now, I actually like the show, but this FD is really confusing. They're trying to make everything random to make it funny, but it's not working. There's too much random stuff and nachos. Where do you even come up with the name "Fried Dynamite" anyway.

Only BoBoBo can be that random and still be funny. Oh, no! One episode left!!!!

Fox And The Hound 2; 300; The Simpsons Movie (Contains No Spoilers)

Those are three movies I just saw, and on consecutive days for that matter. I give all these movies A+'s.

Fox And The Hound 2: People always complain about Disney making sequels and how terrible they are. No sequel will ever be as good as the original, exception being Scary Movie 1 to Scary Movie 4. This movie was actually really good and I consider it better than Fox And The Hound. Dixie, Floyd, and Waylon were the funniest.
The Simpsons Movie: The day I say something bad about The Simpsons will be Armaggeddon. It was great.
300: The best of the three. This is one of the best live action films I've seen my whole life. During the fighting parts I was glued to the computer at how realistic it was. The slow motion and fast motion thing was cool (forgot the exact name). Some of the coolest quotes too.

"Return with your shield...or on it"
"Our arrows will black out the sun!." "Then we shall fight in the shade."
"This is Madness!" "Madness?!"

My Dog Just Had Surgery

I just got back from the vet's office with my dog Saber after his recent surgery. He either had Hemangiopericytoma or a fatty tumor. Theresults will be back in 7-10 days to determine which one. In this case a tumor would be better because the Hemangiopericytoma will eventually grow back. He's all fine and well. At the moment he's laying on the foldout couch bed from the after effects of theanesthesia. I got to see the whatever it was that came out of him. It was cut in has since the other half went for a biopsy. Look at the size of your palm (ages 13-15), that's about the size it was, the half of it at least.

Now, because your probably asking a Hemangiopericytoma is the following.

Hemangiopericytoma: consists of numerous vascular channels with plump endothelial nuclei and a surrounding, tightly packed proliferation of oval and spindled cells with dark nuclei and a moderate amount of cytoplasm.
Endothelial: thin layer of specialized epithelium lining the interior surface ofblood vesselsforming an interface between circulating blood in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall.
Epithelium:a tissue composed of a layer of cells.

Train Accident Video #2

Well, this is actually a crash test, but I just love watching this. It's from the show Top Gear. The person talking I believe is Jeremy Clarkson.

I love how they use the music and the camera angles when the train is coming. Notice how when the train hits it, the front and the back of the vehicle don't move until after the middle has pretty much been crushed in. I'm completely addicted to this video. :P

Before you ask.....I don't know what happened to the snail. Hopefully the camera man got it off the tracks.

Train Accident Video #1

Some people amaze me so. When a train is coming you're supposed to stop and wait for it to pass. I will admit waiting for those things to pass is quite annoying because I've video taped slow moving 150+ car trains.

Evidently, this guy just doesn't get it. (No one was hurt)

When your car runs over a soda can it is the exact equivalent to a train hitting your car.

What's Your Favorite Breed/Type Of Dog?

Since I haven't had a blog post for just short of a month, I needed something that'll attract people, and what better than cute and cuddly canines. So what's your favorite breed/type of dog? And don't put Vixens. :twisted: I know you were going to.

Mine is the famed Jackal. You know, the dog that is portrayed as the Egyptian God, Anubis...

Okay, technically I like the cartoon version better than actual because the cartoon version has more varities.

2nd: Huskies
3rd: German Shepards
4th: Labrador Retriever/Black Lab/Chocolate Lab

What's yours?

I'm Going Back To Posting News.


After a few months of not posting news I've discovered I have nothing to post about. Darn my boring life full of trains and TV. I'm also going to be posting some more cool flashes.

Including this one => Ignorance Is Bliss

Which reminds me that I've never played a Mario game in my life. Curse you boring life of mine! :P

Update On Some Things

This is an update on my railfanning in Station Square. Don't worry it's just a bunch of numbers.


Total Number of Locomotives: 166
Total Number of Trips: 11
Total Number of Trains: 67
Total Number of Cars: 5,392


Hottest Day (Feels Like): 105 F
Coldest Day (Feels Like):  38 F
Longest Train: 153 Cars
Shortest Train: 4 Cars
Highest Number of Trains in One Day: 13
Most Locomotives on a Train: 10


Average Number of Cars Per Train: 80
Average Cars Per Trip: 490
Average Locomotives Per Train: 2
Average Trains Per Trip: 6
Average Locomotives Per Trip: 15
Car/Locomotive Ratio: 32:1