I think Bluray has only one negative impact on gaming. Load time. If developers don't compact their content is much, it will load slower. Hopefully the seven processors will make up for that. But maybe not. The 360 loads at a 20 sec ave. speed, and has 3 dual processors. could that count as six? Why not? It does. One short, simple format, 20 sec loads. i predict PS3 to be a slow loader. Look at the PS2. Soooooooo slooooooooooooooowwwwwww. Anyway, this site said nothing of the ability to be able to link to two TVs at once for multiplayer. That'd be the **** for Halo parties. I guess six xboxes works but it'd save my friends some hassle. Oh well, most PS3 games (so far) are singleplayer based. But hopefully dual TV co-op. That'd be cool.
duelstar, i know it wasn't you who said the games were crap. it was someone else. i meant the games i listed in my hour long essay. and the point wasnt to show the absence of ps3 games, the things not even out yet, how's it gonna compete with game count. my point was to show the presence, rather, of 360 titles. Yes, I had thought about why PS2s sold so well. Being a DVD player and a game player at low price out two years before the major competitors helps, don't you think. I can't explain the spike in sales as of late. Really wierd. I totally agree with you about the game library except that it's because it shared a lot with Xbox, and a lot with Gamecube, but the GC and Xbox did not share. I also view the games in a negative, perhaps racist, light. Guitar Hero II is coming out for 360 right? I converted someone at school to 360 completely based on that, and it better be true, or I'm not a good person. As I said Duelstar, I respect you. It's because your comments are smart, unlike those, "360s catch fire!" losers. I gotta friend who loves Sony, which is fine as long as it's not tradition, but logic. i just think too many people got PS2s for the wrong reasons, and too many people are going to make the same mistake. I just do not want to see the same ratio of consoles as it was for the current gen. I guess it can't, too many unknowns. I know of Xbox owners who have the wrong reasons. Take doughboi for example. 360 fan with stupid comments. And a lot of Dreamcast bashing. They tried man, leave them alone! They had Soul Caliber? Love 2 on the GC. Anyway, he has loosely based opinions on unimportant subject matter. And for the record, my essay, way back in the lists by now, was mostly me taking as many cheap shots at Sony, with subtle lenience, as I possibly could. Why else would I list XBL arcade games and outdated sports games? Sony's metaphorical nuts have got to hurt. Thank you for the tip about Bioshock. PS3 also? Good for you. Now all I want to know about is ResEvil5. Only liked 4 on the cube, but if it's like 4 and on 360, that'd be great. Anyone else notice the GC's lightning loading? The graphics, I think, match PS2, if they aren't better, for most shared games, anyway. Every GC game loads fast. Random ending generator- go DS!!!
Just read Knights of the Nine thing for Oblivion. Includes all prior content. Good for those who didn't sell out. [Cries himself to sleep] I only paid for two anyway. Pirates and questin'. Guess I can man up and stop whining. If you get a Ps3 get Oblivion. Just do it. Not like Nike, but also not like Tina Turner. Somewhere in between would be good....
i saw several dumb comments. here are corrections Oblivion is coming out on Ps3. and some side thing on the Psp Ps3 will produce heat. 7 processors and u think it won't? Lot of essays. Wasted my time. Must've been pretty redundant for ya. As this is too. duelstar. i respect you. unless it was you who said that most the games i listed were crap. Granted there was bulk, but games like Bioshock and Mass Effect don't even slightly spark interest? Gears of War and Forza? As said, it's opinion. MGS4 and Final Fantasy don't spark mine. We are just true playas on opposite ends of the board. Awesome. In fact, at a point in my life two months ago I stated to several people, "Assassin's Creed is the only thing PS3 has that I care about." Like a week later I find out it's being shared. That was so awesome. U did the same thing with Oblivion? Great. solidgearmetal, what is up with your fack halo thing? I'm going to assume to played with kids out of league, and I'm sure getting owned like a noob isn't fun. If you had Halo 2 and Live early on, you'd have a much different opinion. Maybe. Probably. yeah. Wait, Pc gamer. Let me guess, counterstrike. [sighs] And you are right to fear MS. So right. I do too. In that fear and love way. One more game to name. Shared on PC. LotR BFME2. 2v2 on Live is rockin'. As far as exclusives go, I forgot. A lot of the games on the 360 are shared with the PC. Makes the 360 superfluous for PC gamers, so I understand their points. Even Halo 2 is going to be shared....
Wow, that is a lot of Sony bashing. Surprise. Few points to make, no bias this time. PS3-wireless internet, future format maybe $600 360-wireless internet, future format maybe $700 Saying Wiimote ten times fast Priceless Aside from the joke, the point is that Sony is forcing additional things on you at a lower cost. This also increases the odds of making their chosen future format for movies more likely. Again, Sony, albeit copycats (this is hardly avoidable), has another "all-in-one" package. I'd say as far as media devices go, it has the edge. As far as games go, that's the opinion of the individual. That does make Sony better, from an uninvolved superficial standpoint. I guess I can't wait for it to come out. I want to see what it can do. Throughout all my bashing, I never intended to make the PS3 sound worthless. Yes I did. But...for that I lament. It is not worthless. It is great. In my opinion the 360 is greater. But only when the systems are out can I know, can we all know, which system is the best. How do you measure best. Cost efficiency or overall quality ignorant of price? What if the Wii is overall best? It has a strong chance for cost efficiency, but what if you got to play every system, and you chose, regardless of cost, the Wii? I need to go to bed. I have school. i also have a pirate crew to command in Oblivion. As a partial philanthropist I'm glad Oblivion is coming to the PS3. This is a great game that should not be missed by anyone. Ever. Bed and school first. Night. Also I wonder if first person mode will become downloadable content for the 360 version of Fight Night Round 3? I might buy the game if the price would drop. Sweat (catch the pun?) graphics, fun, but low content overall, it's boxing and that can hardly be helped. Lastly in a childish tune....I have an awesome system, and you ooh ooh dough ownt, it's so cool with its changeable faceplates, Gears of War almost now. Hope next month comes as soon for you as it does for me. or slower, why should I care ;)
My badass system, I meant. It's great. Xbox Live Marketplace. I heard you can rig a regular external hard drive up to a 360. It'd explain why there is no 100GB coming out. Just a convenience anyway. Who knew the content would be so awesome?
Tommyboy, nice work. You saw through my web of partial truth and figured out what's missing. My actual purpose was to get the hatred toward Microsoft brewing. Now I'm seeing the flaming toward my console. I frankly could think of no reasons to not love it. Now I realize I'm optimistic. Also, to the people with the 360's that eat discs....call 18004myxbox. Stop complaining. Get it replaced. Also, if games get "boring fast", buy better games. Get Oblivion. Or a larger attention span. Get Halo 2 and Xbox Live. As for the BackCompatibility....MS isn't cutting corners! You make it sound like they were forced to emulate on purpose! We are lucky they emulate at all! Also, if you have Xbox games already, then you must have an Xbox. What's the problem? play your games on that! Sell it? What crappy games did you have for it? Anything worth mentioning works fine. If not, get hooked up to live once, and get the updated list, it keeps growing. Next, the overheating and freezing. $1000 PS3 has freezing issues. that's my wager, and I don't have $1000 to my name. Maybe in a week I will. Also, if you are a camper in MN in the fall, the 360 is a great heater. I huddled up next to mine in my bunk. She's also good in bed. Oh yeah, I said it. Now if you live in a hot area, big problems for you and don't blame you if you get a Wii. You'll save on AC big time. Still don't understand why people hate MS. As a game base, anyway. I like Apple programs better than Windows. I actually hope that the PS3 does well, because it'd be a shame if it didn't. 4 million Live users anyway, I'll have people to play Halo 3 with. i guess my weekly Halo lans work too. I don't even need online. As I said, maybe I'm too optomistic about bad kickarse system. Or maybe Sonyfans hate their lives.... EMOs
This one person said how call of duty 3 and 07 sports games are coming to PS3. They're are coming to 360, too buddy. the cod2 and 06 list was basically what was missed out on, and won't be on the console, because it was not in fact out. Sort of called my cheap shot, (there are many Sony nutcrunchers) but not for the right reason. Let's not forget the absentees, such as FIFA 07. Sony gonna steal strikers from Nintendo? They stole everything else. Don't get me started on how bad Sony is on so many levels. They have one good quality, and that's brainwashing. You know Nazis killed their own dogs as part of their training? Pups that had grown up with them for years. Think that's irrelevant? So what.
I liked the summary about Nvidia and ATI. that is awesome news for Sony fans. Based on precedence, an Xbox graphically manhandles a PS2. Take any game on both systems, Splinter Cell or sports games, and cough owned at the PS2. Actually, just cough on it.
I love how my introduction made it look like I might be supporting Sony, when most of it is just a huge burn. I actually intended to say a neutral and obvious comment, but just kept going until it just became a huge insult. I guess I still hate Sony. But that's me. I do think it'd be cool if Xbox Live were extended to PS3's, including profiles and such. That'd be cool. Of course then the console war would rage while one is actually on their console. Could be fun. Hmm...oh well. I bet Sony will copy the Xbox Live Gold/Silver thing. Of course they copied the online setup, not because it's Sony (not only anyway), but because how different can it be? And anyway, I can't see how they can make a high quality online service without charging people. I pay a dollar a week for Live, oooh. It's so much. I'm broke like a mule! (Sarcasm, in case your retarded) Sony better charge for their online, I don't see where the money comes from. well, i do, but still....
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