patrick157's comments

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Edited By patrick157

Now, back to helper. She's a horrible writer with horrible ideas. Just look at DA:2, it was boring, the story was flat and bland and consisted almost entirely of your relationships with other characters. That's not a plot, that's not fun to play, and it sure as hell is not fun to read. I don't care if she is a woman, it's like a defense card for her, "Oh yeah, well I'm a woman in the game industry and that's why you're attacking me you misogynist pigs!!!!!!" Wrong, the attack was on a person who writes video games (badly), and doesn't actually like playing the games themselves. Nobody was attacking her solely because she was a woman, but because she generally sucks at what she does and doesn't deserve her position. She should go back to writing garbage fantasy novels about homosexual romance. Let somebody who actually cares about video games, understands what the community wants, and puts forth all their effort for the players, write for video games, not someone who only cares about their own garbage ideas.

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Edited By patrick157

But LA Noire's main focus wasn't action, it was the detective work. You can't compare that to a game, like mass effect, that doesn't have any other focus BUT story and action. Also, Bioware is a jew company working for EA now, releasing nickel and dime dlc. $870 worth of mass effect 3 merchandise, that's ridiculous, a game is a game not a FRANCHISE like nike. They shouldn't be selling all this trash off at ridiculously high prices just because they slapped MASS EFFECT 3 on it, and you get a cool gun for multiplayer. That doesn't make the $40 keyboard worth $100. Nobody should be giving bioware ANY money, the consumers don't have to respect the developers because we're the ones paying for their vacation house in Hawaii. Cont.