many overseas friends have continually decried America's two-party system. there are a lot of things i like about America, but i have to agree that this one sucks.
logically, when two of anything are set against each other, you're going to get 2 very vocal minorities that push farther and farther away from each other, and everyone that's left will stand in the middle wondering which side will have a mass aneurism first. so it is with staunch liberals or conservatives.
i don't mind that these people exist, i just wish they weren't trying so hard to control my country. neither side has it right, and lately it's been driving me nuts that there's no viable 3rd party to vote for. i absolutely will NOT vote for John Kerry, but i don't like the way Bush is handling things in Iraq, either. why does America need to be the world's police officer? doesn't ANYONE remember George Washington's warning about getting too involved with other nations' politics? and voting 3rd party in this country is like not voting, but with the added inconvenience of getting up early.
i like America, and have no desire to leave, but there are some serious problems here that i wish i had the power to change. i'll still vote, but without conviction. at least my state's governor election is a clear-cut race. and since my soon-to-be wife will be working for the state at this time next year, Mr. Daniels has my vote.
on a completely unrelated note, any of you reading should check out a band called It Dies Today. if anyone's interested i can make sure you get an mp3 or two. if you like anything from Arch Enemy to On Broken Wings to Thursday, you'll enjoy this.
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