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pauleyfan Blog

i really need ...

I really need a rant blog ....

My history teacher is away until the holidays which is next thursday. The causal is umm (i can't use the words i want to describe the way she treats the class), today we were writting loads from the board and she keep making spelling mistakes so we keep talking about the mistakes. At the end of the lession she told the class whole calss to come back at luch because the class was mucking up and the girls in the back corner talking about her (she said that infront of the whole class) ... I came back for the dention and she took my friends and i names and said we will have to talk to the head teacher about us saying mean things about her but i only said things about her spelling manily asking if the words were spelt right.

I'm thinking about talking to the head teacher when i get to school tomorrow.


I said sorry to the teacher incase i said that i might have offended her.

thanks, for reading feel much better now.




hey everyone .... How you all been? I said to myself that I would try and blog at least once a month but that kind of back fired big time. In school, Math ... I moved from 3 to 1 in 1 test gone from a teacher I hate to a teacher a kind of like. Science ... Has not changed all that much execpt we all change teachers every 5 weeks. I have Mrs. M she taught my sister in the 9th and 11th garde and has high standards for me cause I am my sisters sister and my last years teacher said to watch out for me cause I have brains. That's all about it for schhol. Outside school, I'm playing baseball instead of softball because I need more training in hitting and I might even be learnning how to pitch from one of the older men who used o play state ball I m sorry I havenot been on much I'll try and imporve on that. I'll try and improve on that by posting once a month most likely before I go to bed. T.T.F.N Talk to you later if I remember. Pauleyfan

RaNdOm Iz Me !!!

Hello People,

Have not been on for a long time cause been busy with school work even in the holidays :twisted: :evil: !!

I think i have gone up at least two levels :D :D :D :D :)

Hows everyone been?

I am going to try and write a blog at least once a month :)

When I've nothing better to do...


Name: Emily
Age: 13
Place: Wollongong Australia
Gender: I'm a woman...
Work/School: Skool

Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde/Light brown
Height: 5ft6
Marital Status: single of over half of the year
Contacts and/or glasses: glasses. Can't do contacts.


How old do you look?
older than i am

How old do you act?
like a two year old most of the time cauze i like to have fun

Current mood?
Oh cheerful.

Do you intentionally throw up after drinking?
dont drink

Do you like the smell of beer?
no not really

Have you ever called anyone a slut?
Well yes cause mii and zac where being dumb at spoet

Has anyone ever called you a slut?
yes Zac

Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?

Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?
season 2 of numbers 63 dollars i think it was ???


Favorite Number/s:
21 and 94 birth date andlast 2 numbers in the year i was born in

Subject/s in school:

School - Maths (sometimes), PE,

Favorite Sports:
soccer, baseball, softball, basketball,

Favorite Food:

Your favorite color(s) are?
[] red
[x] khaki
[] aqua
[] pink
[] hot pink
[X] yellow
[X] black
[] emerald green
[] lime green
[] blue
[] navy
[] white
[] turquoise
[X] silver
[] purple
[] brown
[X] orange
[X] grey
[] fuscia
[] maroon
[] gold
[] teal
[] coral
[] clear
[] bronze
[] I don't really care
[] rainbow
[] I basically like all colors

[X] pop
[] country
[] Christian
[] orchestral
[] techno
[] oldies - like Bob Dylan?
[] opera
[] soca
[] 80's
[] disco
[] rap
[X] c-l-a-s-s-i-c rock
[X] pop punk
[] metal
[] reggae
[x] rock
[x] alt/indie rock
[X] emo
[] Alternative
[] foreign rock
[] ska
[X] lots of different stuff
[] dancehall


[] I'm afraid of silence
[] I am really ticklish
[] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others - but only because people are boring
[] I open up to others TOO easily
[] I read the newspaper - every day. That reminds me that I should pay for my subscription
[] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes - god yes! Blue eyes will make me sell my soul to anyone
[X] I am a sucker for gorgeous smile
[X] I don't kill bugs
[] I have "x"s in my screen name
[X] I bake well
[] I have worn pajamas to c-l-a-s-s.
[] I love Martha Stewart
[] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[] I am self-conscious - well actually it depends on the situation
[x] I love to laugh
[] I can't swallow pills without water
[X] I bite my nails
[X] I play computer games when I'm bored
[] I have gotten lost in the city
[X] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[] I have made out in an elevator

[] I have been skydiving
[] I have been bungee jumping
[] I have bitten someone
[] I have egged or rolled a house/car/telephone booth with toilet paper.
[] I have smashed into a car
[] I have been fired
[X] I have been skinny dipping
[X] seen a movie 3 times or more in the theater
[x] been on stage - way too many times
[] gotten a black eye - football accidents
[X] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[X] watched an entire baseball/softball game - softball yes baseball only some cause they are rarely on tv in australia


Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
pj and underwear

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
New York and LA

Two favorite animals:
Monkeys and polar bears

How many pairs of jeans do you own?

What color(s) do you wear most often?
White brown yellow skool clothes

Last song you heard:
try on bridge to terabithia

You'll plead, you'll get down on your knees for just another taste...

Are you missing someone right now?

Favorite pair of shoes:

Do you own big sunglasses:
1 pair never where them now i have mii sports pair

What should you be doing right now:
getting dressed

Name one thing that you do everyday:

Do and Did's:

Do you smoke?:
God no, it's the most disgusting thing ever.

Do you chew tobacco?:

Do you have a tattoo?:

Do you have any piercings?:
yer ears

Do or have you owned a pingpong table:

Do you have a pool table?:
Nopewant one though

Do you own a car?:

Do you own a boat?:
yes a canoe

Do you have a swimming pool?:

Do you live ona lake?:

Do you have any siblings?:
yes 1 sister

Do you live with your parents?:
yes im only 13

Do you own a computer/lap top?:

Do you own an iPod or MP3 player?:
An ipod

Do you own a game system? i.e. Xbox, Playstation, etc:
yes a xbox

Did or do you own a slap bracelet?.


Do you play board games:

Did you ever own a pair of flashing light up shoes?:

Did you collect Care Bears?

Why did you fill this out?:
Because I was board

Time: 10:31 am


Hey ....

ive got the last week of skool of before xmas :D

so im on and a lot of other websites hows everyone been nw days i am rarely on cauze i have 2 walk the dog :(

In the movie bridge to terabithia there is a scene where Zooey Deschanel is playing the Guitar and sing put her on the interstate and never look back .... dose any1 know the cords for that piece of music

ta emily


now it is official Jorja Fox is left CSI. we will all ways place you in our hearts as Sara Sidle.:cry:What will i do with out my favourite chacater:roll:

Dose anyone know where i can watch this episode.

here is

here is the comercail cotede pablowas in


My couple of days~

Thursday ~ i went 2 some really borin womans talk thing .... lego was sitting on the table so mii and my friends took the lego trucks we built withus ..... went swimming in sydney pool (the one in homebush (sydney capital of nsw which is in australia) )


PE boring we played some cricket game

math~ test BORIN but i said and read forms for about 15 minutes cauze i was one of the frist 15 to finsh

music~ REALLY REALLY BORING we had to do somethin with keyboards i got 6.5 (six and a half) out of ten go meone of the lowest marks in the group i was in

science ~ alright we walked around the room talkin instead of playin some game so we cheated 2 make it look like we where actually playin it

english ~ biggest lazy of the day i sat on and went lookin for baseball & smiles the animtions

i found these

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u can take them if u want them u

hello people

Hello people,

i forgot to do this a couple days ago

Happy 31stBirthday Emily Deschanel

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Happy 40th Birthday Kate Walsh

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hey i found some sayings on mii sis photobucket ... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Im goin 2 start posting some of mii favourite baseball pics so i have back up copys


today the boys where dead dumb they where spiting spit balls at each other & at the teacher

in sport we had 2 hit a tennis ball with a table tennis bat ... mii and anther boy went 4 the same tennis ball and ilandedon the 2 catch the ball the boys jumps and lands onto of mii it was really funny


imtryin out for thee south coast softball team ... i most likely wont make it cause the people dat try out are normally 15 and over


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