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Edited By payback_56

The wheel looks awsome, but where is a manual transmission wheel like the one logitech is making for the PC? I dont know about u guys, but i rather race wit a 6 speed than auto/ and paddle shifters any day! Its just more fun and exciting :)

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Edited By payback_56

I have the BFG 7900 GTX, and had no problems at all, I have the performance turned up all the way on BF2, and F.E.A.R. currently, and had no problems, in fact I did the graphics test under options on FEAR and it said my system ran at a solid 60 FPS, and only dropped under 60FPS for 5% of the th card runs well, although I have other stuff, too, not just a good graphics card...

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Edited By payback_56

Honestly, I am curious how u can fit 2 high end cards in 1 case like that, my BFG 7900GTX is so large, I know for a fact I cold not get another one in my case, and my case is huge, its an aftermarket shark case that I got at comp USA, it really is a large case, but there is definatly not enough room for another 7900... also running things on 2 monitors is pretty cool, I dont do it all the time, I just tried it out a couple weeks ago to see what it was like, it was neat, and then u can run 2 different things, and switch between them, great when u r gaming, and chatting to people, its kind of neat, but I found it to be a bit of a waste, since u need 2 monitors.... :)

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Edited By payback_56

Hey, I was just going to add I have the BFG 7900 GTX, runs great, it is pricy, I paid about $520 for it, I think it around $470 now, somewhere around there, it is expensive, but it kills the games, I have BF2 turned up full on everything, it does not slow down at all, along with Fear, everything is full, and it does not slow down at all, and I ran the video test on fear that they have under options, and the game runs at 60fps for 95% of the time, it drops under 60 for only 5% of the time... Know also that everything else in the computer is upgraded too, we actually built the computer all with aftermarket parts, so its not JUST the video card helping out, the ASUS motherboard I have even has a built in overclock that I use, it kicks in when the computer is working hard, so that helps too...

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Edited By payback_56

This game could have been so good, but after beating a psychopath (Boss) saving some people, and then dieing, u realize how bad the game is, when they make u start all over because u have to save it manually, and u can only save in the bathrooms, and security office....that is what killed this game...period. The game is great, but after u level up twice, get all kinds of new moves, save some people, and beat a boss, then die, and have to start all over...3 times!!!!!!!!!! It just gets too frustrating!! Now I cant even beat the boss, I just eep dieing, the game was so good, if only it had some type of progressive save points... :(

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Edited By payback_56

I think a halo 3 demo would be awsome, I dont know if it would get the 360 flying off of store shelves, only because it would have to have a lot of hype, otherwise, th only peopel that would know about it, or care about it are the ones that already have 360 and can download when it arrives.... I dont think that a demo of the famed halo would cause a super increase in sales, the release of the game might....

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Edited By payback_56

I am considering buying a nintendo wii as well, I was skeptical in buying a 360, I ended up buying about a month ago, but since I am really pleased, it was easy to transfer my account over, and I love all the new downloads, not to mention demo's, videos from devlopers and so on....its awsome...anyone with a 360, they are going to be releasing a demo of Saints row in the begining of august...(read on

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Edited By payback_56

That is true, it is obvious that the ps3 IS more powerful, u can look at the hardware specs...but looking back, everyone said the xbox was more powerful than the ps2, but the graphics were close, some games made it more appearant, but most people I dont think will be able to tell the differece between the two...

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Edited By payback_56

Yea I see what ur saying too, I agree with u, I think the 360 has a nice well-rounded library, they have shooters (call of duty, Prey, perfect dark), racers (Project gothem, ridge racer, burnout revenge), thy even got games for rpg fans, like oblivion, lord of the rings for strategy fans, I think they are doing well so far with thier library of games, and will continue to grow...

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Edited By payback_56

I think u have good points, but honestly I think the games and stuff should still be cheaper, even good games, even on the 360, are way too short, Now Blu-ray has much more capacity and may be able to lengthen the games, and everything else, like u said we wont know until them come out, but if you end up getting the same use out of the game, then it wont be worth the price.... Now if they can maximize the space on the disc's and draw th game out, then yea th games would be worth the money, we will have to wait and see like u r saying....

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