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pc_fan03 Blog



I guess I haven't been on much (ha, I guess). I've kinda lost interest in Tv.com. I've been busy with school and such. High school is going well, I have a lot of classes with my friends, which is good. Marching Band has also been going well. Our first competition is October 4th.

The new Tv.com layout is.. different. I've been looking at it for a few days now and I think it might be growing on me. It has potential, they just need to fix the bugs. But then again, Tv.com and glitches go hand-in-hand.

I ventured on the Avatar forum last night. It's so wierd. I didn't know almost anyone there. Bummer, right? Anyway, good luck to AvatarAang who is the new editor there.

As Samurai Jack was going off last night, the Toonami guy came on and started the typical "Well, it's been great" speech. He said some more stuff and then bam. Toonami was gone. That's so gay Cartoon Network cancelling their best tv block. I think I'm gonna miss Toonami. They were the only cartoons I watched anymore (besides Avatar, but when is that on, Nick?). I just hope they keep the same shows on.

Brisingr came out yesterday. I need to read it.

It's really nice here today. It's about 60°. Which is awesome.

Well, I dunno what else to say; except bye. I doubt I'll be active here much anymore... so...


Well, I've Started Band Camp

Yes, I have joined our Marching Band this year being a Freshman and what not. Our first Band Camp was today and it was better than I had expected. It was nice to see some of my friends again and also meet new people. It wasn't horribly hot, about 92 degrees. And we didn't stay out on the field long, just for about two hours. The rest was inside doing sectionals and a full band rehearsal. I have a feeling it will get worse though, seeing as we will be outside for three hours tomorrow and it will be much hotter.

I guess that's all I have to blog about, nothing very interesting going on except that at the moment. Been hangin with friends.


Wow... Simply Wow. It's finished.

I am so, SO proud to be an Avatar fan right now. That finale was the finale to beat all finales. It was amazing. Here's my little review:

1st episode, The Phoenix King:

Zuko/Aang battle very cool
Aang disappearing and everyone trying to find him very very cool
Going to see June, she's awesome.

2nd episode, The Old Masters:

Aang and Momo on the island talkin to the Avatars was awesome. The animation was super good here, one point so good it reminded me of Spirited Away when Aang was walking under a tree.
Zuko and Iroh scene was a tearjerker
June was here again, very good. Liked Zuko's comment about how he hired her to track the Gaang. "Yep, back in the good ol' days." Also liked that she said Aang didn't exist. That was really awesome to me.
"Hmm... Grampakku!" - Sokka
"Hmm... someone important is missing from your group... where's Momo?!?" - Bumi
"I knew I shouldn't have asked Kyoshi." - Aang

3rd episode, Into the Inferno:

Zuko/Azula/Katara battle was soo intense, my heartrate like doubled, no lie. I was really scared Zuko was gonna die with all that sad music and all.
Sokka/Toph/Suki "excursion" was also intense, I was also worried a lot for Sokka at one point.

4th and final episode, Avatar Aang:

Aang/Ozai battle very good, loved the way he was bending all four elements.
Umm.... Fire Lord Zuko ftw
The Zuko and Aang scene where they were in front of everyone reminded me A LOT of the Avatar and the Firelord.
Everyone together at Iroh's tea shop was sweet, Kataang was even sweeter.
I loved the way they had the chinese version of the end and then actually said the end, actually cried there.

Other things that I loved:

The music. The music was absolutlely SPECTACULAR. Esp. the "Previously on Avatar" music, the Aang and Momo on the island music, and the Zuko/Azula/Katara battle music. It really added to the show.
The animation; also spectacular.
The Blue Fire Throne Room. Very good animation here and also it was just supercool. Azula looked pretty hot :P
The way they included the Lion Turtle, I loved that. I've been wanting to see it ever since we saw it in a book at The Library.

All in all, Avatar was great and I will miss it a lot. 10/10.

That's it for tonight,

Hmm... almost unreal, isn't it?

To think Avatar will be over this week. All we've waited for will be over, just in this week. Three years of Avatar fandom fun, almost over. But at the same time, three years of questions, almost answered! I can't wait for the finale. I'm gonna watch it downstairs by myself with some pizza, Sprite, and M&Ms. It's gonna be pimp. 8)

Like I said in my last blog, I went to camp last week. It was really fun. I went tubing, white water rafting, paintballing, rode this huge zipline, went through a pretty cool ropes course thing, and played in a hail storm (yes, played in it :D).

I watched Doctor Who today. It was pretty interesting. Any of you watch it?


July Update

Well I have spent the last two days with my friends. Thursday we went to see Hancock and it was really good. And yesterday we went to the July 4th festival (notice the patriotic colors) and hung out with some hot girls ;) But anyway, I came home today to go to a cousin's wedding.

Well this week I'm going to camp. I'll be gone from tomorrow afternoon until Friday afternoon, but I doubt people will notice anyway :P And while I'm there I'll turn 14! It's about time, I look like I'm way older than a little 13 year-old. But yeah, my birthday's Tuesday the 8th. So drop by and leave a comment on this blog if you remember.

I got addicted to this song while playing it on Guitar Hero at one of my friend's house. It's Monsters by Matchbook Romance.

I'll see you all later,

An Excuse to Blog

Someone has tagged me:

  1. I'm listening to Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin on Youtube.
  2. I changed my "About Me" in my profile yesterday.
  3. I recently have "invested" in a Facebook.
  4. I wrote a looooong text message today.
  5. It's about 88° right now.
Now it's my turn to tag :twisted:

I figured I would talk about my 8th grade year in a future blog since I neglected to do so in my last one. 8th grade was probably my best year in middle school. It was also probably my hardest and most stressful, but those things increase as the years go on. I befriended some really cool people I hardly knew in 7th grade, I had a lot of cIasses with my friends, I had some really cool teachers that I wouldn't mind seeing again sometime, and half the time, I actually liked coming to school. So that was really nice. I'm gonna miss 8th grade. I made a lot of really great memories that I hopefully won't forget.

Last Wednesday I went to see Prince Caspian. It was good, better than the first Narnia movie. After that I got some Chick-fil-A. It was good. 8)

Last Friday and Saturday I went to a festival with rides and food and stuff with my friends. It was pretty fun.

I hope you wished your fathers a Happy Father's Day.

Hope you all are having a great summer!

Couldn't think of a title

Well. Here I am. Out of middle school and on to high school. Our last day of school was Friday and that's when we had our "graduation." It was fun, after graduation was over my friends and I roamed the halls while everyone else was having class. We left at 11:00 because it was a half day. So then I went camping with a friend and just got back today. So that was fun. Sorry I haven't been on much, I've been busy with exams and such (I did very well with all of my exams btw). I'll be on more because there will be some days that I don't have anything to do. Then I'll come here.


*stumbles in*

Well I guess you could call me 'back' for a while. I'm on because it's Spring Break :D We'll be going to the beach on Monday. It's really nice to have a break off of school. School has been very busy latley... A lot of projects to do and other stressful things. I had to do a Poetry Project for my Lang. Arts class that I guess was pretty easy but it took a long time to do last week. I also have a huge high school level project for Social Studies due sometime in May. So I've been working on my Thesis Statement and Letter of Intent for that. The last Algebra chapter we did was really hard. Also (this is the stressful thing) we had to sign up for high school classes. Next year I'll be taking Language Arts, Honors English I, Honors Earth Science, retaking Algebra I which serves as a refresher course for Honors Geometry (this one will be challenging), World History, Health/PE, and Marching Band. So those are my eight classes next year. There's a whole lot more stuff to mention concerning romance and such, but I'll spare you.

Sorry for that wall of text,

Leaving For a While

Yeah, school has gotten a lot harder for me lately, and I'm gonna focus some time on my academics. Band and Track are also keeping me busy... So....

Wishing you all good fortune,