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Duke Nukem is worthwhile.

You shallow people, gaming does not consist of visuals and graphics. I mean, come on the game is credited for it's fun, atmosphere and these vibes that get you into action.. Not drama and being enamored.. Rather deceived by visuals that eminent critics and reviewrs regard as the prime factor. Well, all I spare you is how I feel sorry on what gaming has become over this period of time. I played Black Ops, MW2, WaW, MW1, CoD3, CoD2 they become more of a routine over time.. Multiplayer is the foremost element in FPS probably, despite the fact that Duke Nukem pretty much is inferior to CoD's multi, Duke Nukem succeeds to deliver a scanty, yet stimulating 4 Multiplayer modes, that I extol! I mean, what more would you want other than Capture the babe?

Inevitably, some unexperienced players who recently started what they allege to be "gaming" and somehow crticize the goddamn graphics. Duke Nukem wasn't made to be meeting the cutting-edge in this aspect, it's all about downright fun engrossing addictive action.

This is merely to show people how gaming has mutated into a tedious competetion of visual competency. That would be welcome to suck my d*ick.