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peeweeshift Blog

Best Ps2 games

What else games should i add to this top ps2 list.

final fantasy XII
Metal Gear Solid Subsistence
Tekken 5
Final Fantasy VII dirge of cerberus
Final Fanasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Devil May Cry 3 Special edition
Kingdom Hearts 2
God of War 2
God of War
Grand Turismo 4
Metal Slug Anthology
Metal Gear Solid Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Kingdom Hearts 1
Socom Combined Assualt
Dragon Warrior VIII
Valkyrie Profile 2
Devil May Cry 1
Devil May Cry 2
Kingdom Hearts 1

Gaming is dieing

games may be getting better looking and better playing. but in truth the game market is dieing. well to word it more accurately lazy. gone are the days of the arcades. more people like playing online more than at an arcade and the fanbase for fighters has diminished. people prefer pirating or buying games online and sales get hurt. games are judged more harshly than they were back in the day and people these days only care about ratings and getting the most of their value. theres nothing wrong with wanting more value but if that is all you want then the gaming industry will die. many once big publishers make less games and are taking the new nintendo approach to games. majesco, and rare too big publishers have taken that route.(although rare is making banjo 3). All that is going to be left is about 20 normal games from big name companies life take two, ubisoft, and epic games. And nintendo will be making there so called games for people to excersice with and maybe a new mario to please some 5 year olds

(Mouse>controller)-unless your a noob at pc shooters

The mouse is still much better than the controller even without the auto-aim. I'm doing better now without the auto-aim anyways. The autoaim is more of a drag anyways because it drags towards your opponents body making it harder to get haedshots and in bigger battles(like 5 people fighting in one area) it makes it harder to switch between targets quickly. Another disadvantage is that headshots are harder to do with it because the auto-aim doesn't move towards their heads. It takes more skill to get a headshot with a controller. I am really good at halo 2 on xbox and I'm a decent gamer when playing fps on pc(the last new fps i played was cod2, yet getting headshots is way easier with the mouse.

Stop believing reviews from people who only play through singlplayer and a couple matches ofo multiplayer. If you are losing in halo 2 vista than the problem isn't that other users are using controllers but the problem is that you havn't mastered the guns the game has to offer.

I know  my words are a little harsh but it's true.

Level 22!!! :)

Well I'm happy now. The level 20 glitch caught me at level 20 and i was stuck there for months. It's been smooth sailing from there.

Time to update my account.

I'm going to add a few reviews of some games from last year that I had no time to review. I'm going to update the games in my library, and I'm going to add some of my gaming tricks to my video section/and or blogs. Well that's my goal for this week

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