i leveled up!! yay! but wat is ur fav level u have been on?? mine favorite level name is prob either sectiod or atomic punk.
so tell me wats ur favorite?
so yesterday i was watching soccer for somereson and it made me go all theway back to my only fifa game: fifa 05. on gamecube. so i tookout all my gc games and found fifa and played it for like 2 hrs. its funny cause now i want fifa 10 on my 360 and i alos want madden 09 4 me 360 too. see my only football and soccer sport games are fifa 06 and madden 04. ever since i turned 11 i imidialtely liked KILL games, fps, first person rpgs, and3rd person shotter. so know im just buy buy some madden and fifa used cause im saving up 4 ac2 and mw2.
here are the old pics of fifa and madden.
and madden and the funny thing is that this is when michael vick wasnt a weed smoking dog fighting maniac! :P